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The feedback for steps doesn't make much sense #816

Closed christianp closed 2 years ago

christianp commented 3 years ago

I have a part worth 3 marks, with a steps penalty of 1, and a single step worth one mark. The feedback I got after revealing steps, then getting both the step and the parent part correct, was:

You revealed the steps. The maximum you can score for this part is 2 marks. Your scores will be scaled down accordingly. You chose a correct answer. You were awarded 3 marks. You were awarded -1 mark for your answers to the steps. You scored 2 marks for this part.

It should instead read:

You revealed the steps. The maximum you can score for this part is 2 marks. Your scores will be scaled down accordingly. You chose a correct answer. You were awarded 2 marks. You scored 2 marks for this part.

christianp commented 2 years ago

This doesn't seem to be a problem any more. The feedback I just got for the same setup as above is:

You revealed the steps. The maximum you can score for this part is 2 marks. Your scores will be scaled down accordingly. Your answer is correct. You were awarded 2 marks. Because you received full marks for the part, your answers to the steps aren't counted. You scored 2 marks for this part.