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In explore mode, mark a part as only having one instance #818

Open christianp opened 3 years ago

christianp commented 3 years ago

I have an explore mode question with lots of branches, all of which should be attempted. Once you get to the end of a branch, nothing in the interface tells you where to go next - it looks like the end of the question.

If a part was marked as only ever having one instance, then it could be a "next part" option from the ends of branches, and selecting it wouldn't make a new instance, but would send the student back to it.

Need to think about where to put a singleton part the first time it's visited.

christianp commented 2 years ago

I suppose the point is to have the information shown in the "only one instance" part update each time you come back to it. I think that would entail regenerating the part, and I don't know if that's safe to do.

christianp commented 2 years ago

Another way of achieving the same effect might be to keep making new instances, but change the way the breadcrumbs work (#902) so you always go to the latest instance of that part.