numbas / Numbas

A completely browser-based e-assessment/e-learning system, with an emphasis on mathematics
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"When you reveal an answer, the screen reader reads through both what the student would type in and the MathJax equation without separating them." #831

Closed christianp closed 3 years ago

christianp commented 3 years ago

From the BCCampus accessibility review.

I think the problem is that the value in the input box is read out, and then the MathJax preview. I think the right thing to do is to have some introductory text like "rendering in mathematical notation" or "interpreted as" before the MathJax preview. I think it's clear from visual context how the preview relates to the input box, so this text should be screenreader-only.

christianp commented 3 years ago

I've checked with Orca. I had to tab to the preview in order to get it to read it out after typing, but while reading through the whole page the "interpreted as" definitely helped.