numbas / editor

An editor for the Numbas e-learning system.
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add_member after install with ALLOW_REGISTRATION=TRUE #498

Closed davidhadas closed 4 years ago

davidhadas commented 4 years ago

After a new Ubuntu server install: While ALLOW_REGISTRATION = True When trying to add a member to a project...

Apparently SMTP is not configured correctly - need to document where and how to set it correctly.

Request Method: POST 2.2.10 ConnectionRefusedError [Errno 111] Connection refused /usr/lib/python3.6/ in create_connection, line 713 /opt/python/numbas-editor/bin/python 3.6.9 ['/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', '/opt/python/numbas-editor/lib/python3.6/site-packages', '/srv/www/numbas_editor', '/srv/numbas/compiler/bin'] Sun, 26 Apr 2020 07:44:43 +0100

davidhadas commented 4 years ago

I was able to resolve this by adding to settings an SMTP server settings user, pass, tls host etc.