numbas / numbas-lti-provider

An LTI tool provider to run Numbas exams
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Expose data through xAPI #10

Open christianp opened 7 years ago

christianp commented 7 years ago

xAPI is the follow-up to SCORM that is trying to standardise the storing and sharing of data about "learning experiences". It would be good to expose data about activity in the Numbas LTI provider through xAPI.

Data is supposed to flow from a learning tool to a Learning Record Store. I googled for an open source LRS, and Learning Locker came up.

Rather than writing tons of reports inside the LTI tool, using xAPI might let us use other tools to analyse attempt data.

dcollien commented 5 years ago

WatershedLRS can also be used (they have a free tier LRS which is useful for testing without additional setup).

I haven't seen a standard way of passing xAPI credentials to an LTI Provider, but I imagine it would be fairly easy to do as per the format here: but instead of URL parameters, using LTI custom or ext parameters, e.g. the Provider may wish to receive:

or perhaps an xAPI LRS launch profile which includes:

I would be interested if there's any consensus on how to do this

jhoobergs commented 2 years ago

cmi5 seems to be the way to convert SCORM data to xAPI data: