numbas / numbas-lti-provider

An LTI tool provider to run Numbas exams
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Could the LTI provider give exams a MathJax URL? #221

Open christianp opened 2 years ago

christianp commented 2 years ago

At the moment, if you want to use a MathJax URL other than the default CDN, you have to set it on your account in the editor. If you write some exams that need an internal MathJax and others for the public, this is inconvenient. It's also hard to enforce with lots of authors.

The LTI provider could make a MathJax URL available to the exam iframe, in the same manner as the SCORM API. It would have to give a dictionary with URLs for different versions, to allow for breaking changes in MathJax, such as 2.x vs 3.x.

christianp commented 1 month ago

Related to #226.