numbas / numbas-lti-provider

An LTI tool provider to run Numbas exams
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After Blackboard upgrades an LTI 1.1 connection, need to convert LTI_11_UserAlias objects to LTI_13_UserAlias #329

Closed christianp closed 1 month ago

christianp commented 1 month ago

Because Blackboard automatically upgrades LTI 1.1 connections to LTI 1.3, the LTI 1.1 score reporting method stops working.

We don't make LTI_13_UserAlias objects until a user does an LTI 1.3 launch, so in order for scores on old resources to be reported back, we need to make LTI_13_UserAlias objects based on the existing LTI_11_UserAlias objects.

Fortunately, it seems that Blackboard's consumer_user_id field from LTI 1.1 and sub field from LTI 1.3 use the same values for each user.

There should be a management command to do this, and the upgrade documentation should say to run it.