numbats / monash

A utility R-package with consolidated tools and templates for staffs at Monash University
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pdf compilation #17

Open dicook opened 1 year ago

dicook commented 1 year ago

I get a problem when I knit the quarto documents. This seems to be a problem with these templates because I can knit quarto to pdf of other documents:

Create an article with

quarto_template_use("report", dir = "Aug_2023")

generates this:

updating tlmgr

updating existing packages
finding package for bchb8a.pfb(-(Bold|Italic|Regular).*)?[.](tfm|afm|mf|otf|ttf)
finding package for authoryear-comp.dbx
finding package for biblatex-dm.cfg
finding package for Aug_2023.bbl

compilation failed- no matching packages

It appears to be related to the bibliography, but adding a bib, changing the yaml accordingly doesn't help.

I can separately outside of R, process the .tex file to create the pdf, though.