numbats / numbathack18

Repository for the NUMBAT local hackathon 2018
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Mitch's rough approximation of spring onion pancakes (葱油饼) #17

Closed mitchelloharawild closed 4 years ago

mitchelloharawild commented 6 years ago


cong_you_bing <- recipe(
  name = "Cong you bing"
  requiredIngredients = 
    c("~2 cups plain flour",
      "~1.25 cup boiling water",
      "Salt (preferably himalayan rock salt)"
      "Vegetable oil (or other with high boiling temperature)"
      "Extra virgin olive oil"
      "~50g Chives",
  requiredEquipment = 
    c("Large bowl",
      "Small bowl",
      "Rolling pin",
      "Frying pan",
  method = 
    function(ingredients, equipment){
      bowl <- add("large_bowl", c("flour", "salt", "boiling water"))
      dough <- bowl %>%
        mix(until("combined")) %>%
        knead(until("smooth")) %>%
        cover_with("damp towel") %>%
      filling <- add("small_bowl", c("Extra virgin olive oil", "Salt", "Chillies", "Chives")) %>%
      pancake <- dough %>% 
        split(.$size) %>%
        rollingPin("flatten") %>%
        add(filling) %>%
        fold(until("filling is covered by dough")) %>%
      frying_pan <- add("frying_pan", c("Vegetable oil")) %>%
      frying_pan %>%
        add(c("pancake")) %>%
        wait(until("bubbling/browning")) %>%
        with(tongs, flip(.)) %>%
        wait(until("browning")) %>%
        cut %>%

with(cong_you_bing, method(requiredIngredients, requiredEquipment))
carlanetto commented 6 years ago

Loved it!!! :)