numbbo / coco

Numerical Black-Box Optimization Benchmarking Framework
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Scaling graphs over all functions #1729

Open brockho opened 6 years ago

brockho commented 6 years ago

When looking at the new bbob-largescale results, we realized that it will be good to have a plot that can display the scaling behavior of multiple algorithms with dimension over a set of functions.

So far, we have scaling graphs for single functions, that display the aRT for given targets (or a single target) versus dimension.

The new suggestion, to come up with a similar plot but with data aggregated over several functions, is the following:

nikohansen commented 6 years ago

The idea is to have Box-Whisker plots vs dimension, where the statistics are taken from the ECDFs. One challenge is that not all quantiles need to be finite/present, that is the display must be able to deal with such infinite/missing quantiles.

The underlying ECDF data do not need to be aRT, they could be all the single runs or they could be from simulated restarts. We could use the same generated data that are already used in the ECDF plots.