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Store post-processed data from the archives #1961

Open ttusar opened 4 years ago

ttusar commented 4 years ago

Instead of requiring the data from the archives to be post-processed every time you wish to include them in the plot, this could be done beforehand (would speed up the post-processing).

nikohansen commented 4 years ago

I assume what you are asking for is a bottom that let you select any "known" algorithm interactively on any displayed figure? So it's probably related to #1448?

ttusar commented 4 years ago

Actually, this doesn't necessarily have to do with interactive figures, it would already be useful with the post-processing and figures we have currently. As a way to speed up things. But of course, if a redo of post-processing using interactive figures is underway, then it makes sense to implement it in that context.

nikohansen commented 4 years ago

I assume what you are asking for is to get any arbitrary "known" result as a graph quickly and that you don't care how this is done under the hood? Then, what is your requirement of what quick means for a single added graph in single figure? And for a single added graph in all figures?

ttusar commented 4 years ago

I assume what you are asking for is to get any arbitrary "known" result as a graph quickly and that you don't care how this is done under the hood?

You assume correctly. What I would like is for the post-processing not to take (much) longer because of including known results to some new ones. But now the question comes to mind - is it taking this long because of the computations or the plotting? If the computation is reduced to almost zero, how much faster would the entire thing be?

Then, what is your requirement of what quick means for a single added graph in single figure? And for a single added graph in all figures?

I don’t know how to respond to this.

nikohansen commented 4 years ago

See also #1980 (loading times).