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[DATA SUBMISSION] Benchmarking CMA-ES with Basic Integer Handling on a Mixed-Integer Test Problem Suite #7

Open trmarty opened 1 year ago

trmarty commented 1 year ago


Tristan Marty, Yann Semet, Anne Auger, Sébastion Héron, and Nikolaus Hansen. 2023. Benchmarking CMA-ES with Basic Integer Handling on a Mixed-Integer Test Problem Suite. In Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Lisbon, Portugal, July 15–19, 2023 (GECCO ’23 Companion), 8 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3583133.3596411

Description of the Algorithm(s)

The algorithms benchmarked are some variant of CMA-ES for handling mixed variable on the bbob-mixint test suite.

Link to Data

brockho commented 1 year ago

Dear Tristan,

Many thanks for your data submission (and sorry for having been quiet for so long). I realized that your data set for cma-IH misses some data in (the non-mandatory) dimension 160 - if I am not mistaken, it is instance 8 for f23 and instances 8 and 9 for f24 that are missing. Would you be so kind and send us these data (here or per email/skype/jitsi/...) such that we can put the data sets to the official COCO data archive? Many thanks in advance.