number571 / go-peer

🔐 🕵🏻 End-to-End encryption and Theoretically-Provable anonymity in a library wrapper. Confirmed by theoretical and research papers. The Hidden Lake anonymous network is located inside the project:
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Docs: Change the names of The Hidden Lake services to an understandable ones #16

Open hizani opened 2 weeks ago

hizani commented 2 weeks ago

HLS, HLM, HLT etc. are very obscure names with the same "HL" prefix that can be omitted. I think it is better to just use "Service", "Manager" or whatever name fits the particular service to make the Readme file more understandable

hizani commented 2 weeks ago

I just noticed that the deciphering of the service names and their roles are described in the main readme file. I think it would be better to link the service names in the HL Readme with the corresponding headers in the main go-peer Readme.

number571 commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your interest in the project. The HL prefix was made to indicate that the service belongs to the applications of the Hidden Lake network. If they were just referred to as "Messenger", "Filesharer", etc., they would be faceless. On the other hand, I didn't want to name them individually either, in isolation from the Hidden Lake project. Thus, the best solution was to introduce a prefix that gives both individuality (in comparison with the list of other messengers, file sharing applications, etc.) and belonging to a common code base. As for transferring the description of Hidden Lake services from Readme go-peer to Readme HL - here I agree, logically it will be more correct. I will try to do this in the future.

number571 commented 2 days ago

Removed from the root description of Hidden Lake network services. Changed the "Library based applications" section, moved the list of HL applications to cmd/hidden_lake/ It has become less loaded and more minimalistic. Thanks for the helpful comment.