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The AR-Face Database #14

Open joyhuang9473 opened 7 years ago

joyhuang9473 commented 7 years ago

The AR-Face Database

It contains over 4,000 color images corresponding to 126 people's faces (70 men and 56 women). Images feature frontal view faces with different facial expressions, illumination conditions, and occlusions (sun glasses and scarf).

Male images are stored as: M-xx-yy.raw

Females as: F-xx-yy.raw

'xx' is a unique person identifier (from "00" to "70" for males and from "00" to "56" for females)

'yy' specifies the features of each image; its meanings are described at the following table:

1 : Neutral expression

2 : Smile

3 : Anger

4 : Scream

5 : left light on

6 : right light on

7 : all side lights on

8 : wearing sun glasses

9 : wearing sun glasses and left light on

10 : wearing sun glasses and right light on

11 : wearing scarf

12 : wearing scarf and left light on

13 : wearing scarf and right light on

14 to 26 : second session (same conditions as 1 to 13)
Send an e-mail to Prof. Aleix M. Martinez before downloading the database. You will need a user-name and password to access the files of this database. Your Email MUST be set from a valid University account and must include the following text:

Subject: Application to download the AR Face Database

Name: <your first and last name>
Affiliation: <University where you work>
Department: <your department>
Current possition: <your job title>

Email: <must be the email at the above mentioned institution>
Postal Address: 
Phone number:

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions specified in the AR face database webpage. This database will only be used for research purposes. I will not make any part of this database available to a third party. I'll not sell any part of this database or make any profit from its use.
<your signature>