number9473 / nn-algorithm

algorithm for neural network
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CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints #299

Open joyhuang9473 opened 5 years ago

joyhuang9473 commented 5 years ago

CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints

joyhuang9473 commented 5 years ago

[39] Denet: Scalable real-time object detection with directed sparse sampling

joyhuang9473 commented 5 years ago

Associative Embedding

[27] Associative embedding: End-to-end learning for joint detection and grouping

joyhuang9473 commented 5 years ago

"pull" loss and "push" loss

[26] Pixels to graphs by associative embedding.

joyhuang9473 commented 5 years ago

hourglass network

[28] Stacked hourglass networks for human pose estimation

joyhuang9473 commented 5 years ago

networks similar to the hourglass network.

[35] Beyond skip connections: Top-down modulation for object detection.

[10] Dssd: Deconvolutional single shot detector.

[22] Feature pyramid networks for object detection

[19] Reverse connection with objectness prior networks for object detection

joyhuang9473 commented 5 years ago

soft-nms [2]: Soft-nms: improving object detection with one line of code