numbers / numbers.js

Advanced Mathematics Library for Node.js and JavaScript
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created odes.js, added some functions to matrix.js, added changes to cli... #98

Closed Dakkers closed 10 years ago

Dakkers commented 10 years ago

...entside script

yeah so this is a phat update on my end,

  1. created odes.js, which currently has four single-step methods to solving first-order ODEs. haven't added any testing for it but I'll add some error examples it can handle. tested it with some simple cases and it worked. will be adding more single-step methods to first-orders, multistep method(s?) for first-orders, and eventually will get around to second order (I haven't taken a computational DEs course so I'm learning this as I go)
  2. added trace and outerproduct to matrix.js
  3. added all of the recent changes to the clientside script, which was missing GaussJordanElimination and beyond (few months old, not just the stuff I merged last month).

my naming conventions for odes.js may be shitty, I wasn't really putting much thought into it for names. lemme know what you think

Dakkers commented 10 years ago


KartikTalwar commented 10 years ago

@StDako I'll start reviewing this over the weekend

KartikTalwar commented 10 years ago

@StDako initial stuff looks good. I'll review this again maybe tomorrow to check if method implementation is correct.

Dakkers commented 10 years ago

@KartikTalwar testing this is a pain in the ass, and that's just for the Euler method. I haven't looked too intensively, but the global truncation error on other methods (e.g. Heun) isn't accessible, so it's not even really able to be tested. I've tested these methods with a few examples and they work out, so I don't really know what we can do about it

KartikTalwar commented 10 years ago

cc @milroc

Dakkers commented 10 years ago

I may actually scrap this and rewrite it to solve n-th order ODEs

Dakkers commented 10 years ago

yeah I'm scrapping this. it's not merge-able as it stands and the tests would be a pain to figure out, and I have some other stuff I can push instead that definitely CAN be tested.