numberscope / frontscope

Numberscope's front end and user interface: responsible for specifying sequences and defining and displaying visualizers
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Eliminate `{} as p5.Color` hack #316

Closed gwhitney closed 2 months ago

gwhitney commented 2 months ago

This is used in a few places, I think only in Visualizers, to get a variable to have the right type at initialization time when there is not a known sketch to get it from (since one usually asks a sketch to create a color for you). Anyhow, such an instance can just be replaced by new p5.Color(), which is much less hacky. The resulting color is not associated with any sketch (and I have no idea what color it actually is -- black? white? transparent?) so you shouldn't really draw with it, but it makes an OK placeholder and serves to get TypeScript to type the variable correctly.

gwhitney commented 2 months ago

probably good to just grep the code for occurrences of {} as and try to minimize the number that are in use, and clearly comment the rationale for each of those that need to remain unless it's obvious.

gwhitney commented 2 months ago

Turns out that the p5 documentation is misleading. You can't execute new p5.Color() -- the sketch really is mandatory. So instead in #293 we put the {} as p5.Color hack into just one place -- the base P5Visualizer.ts -- so that if p5.Color ever improves on this score we can fix it in just one place. Since there's no prospect of that on the horizon, closing this issue.