numberscope / frontscope

Numberscope's front end and user interface: responsible for specifying sequences and defining and displaying visualizers
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Visualizer running/stopped indicator? #380

Open gwhitney opened 3 weeks ago

gwhitney commented 3 weeks ago

In the main Scope, sometimes the visualizer is "playing"/running (i.e. loop() in p5 is active) and sometimes it is "stopped" (i.e., we are in noLoop()). Should this be visually indicated in some way? In particular, there is a pause/play button in the ui2 specimen bar that provides some control over loop/noloop and changes its icon accordingly, but when the visualizer changes state "on its own", the button is not affected. Should the state and the button be made to sync up? If so, what should happen in the case that the visualizer gets to the end of what it has to show, as sometimes happens? Should play/pause be greyed out, since it then neither makes sense to pause (visualizer is already stopped) or play (there's nothing left to play)? And how would the overall Scope framework know/tell that the Visualizer is in this state?