"The Delft team ended up with a "polling" solution for resizing where every half-second (even if the visualizer is in noloop state) it wakes up and checks if the screen has resized and if so, reinitializes the visualizer to redraw in the new size. Aaron has pointed out this is somewhat in conflict with the way a "sophisticated" p5 application should be written, so we want to revisit this architecture."
In particular, we would like a solution that responds immediately, as opposed to up to half a second later. And it would be nice not to have to run the polling loop.
"The Delft team ended up with a "polling" solution for resizing where every half-second (even if the visualizer is in noloop state) it wakes up and checks if the screen has resized and if so, reinitializes the visualizer to redraw in the new size. Aaron has pointed out this is somewhat in conflict with the way a "sophisticated" p5 application should be written, so we want to revisit this architecture."
In particular, we would like a solution that responds immediately, as opposed to up to half a second later. And it would be nice not to have to run the polling loop.