Closed sync-by-unito[bot] closed 4 months ago
➤ Kenny Hung commented:
Hi, ( )
Thank you for reaching out to us. We would appreciate it if you could provide further details regarding the feature or issue you are referring to. Please share any additional information or specifics that you believe would be helpful in addressing your request.
We look forward to assisting you further and resolving your concern.
Hi, Thank you for reaching out about the Ambassador program. I have checked your email address and confirmed that you did register for our Ambassador program back in June 2023. At that time, the program was on pause and left without someone to manage it, which is why no new registrations were accepted. However, I’m happy to inform you that the program is now open again. You can reapply and complete the quiz to participate by visiting this link. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Your email:
Is this a general issue/FR report or a ticket that involve your personal account?:
No personal information involved
Select product:
One line to describe the issue you see or the feature you want to add:
Could not get access to the quiz
Let us know what do you expect to see?:
When I open the capture I should be able to access the quiz to become part of the community
Please provide some simple steps to help us reproduce the issue or understand how do you want to see the feature.:
What's the device or browser do you use?:
Chrome Browser
This task was submitted through Issue Report/Feature Request
┆Issue is synchronized with this Asana task by Unito