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[Community Review] Pre-discussion: 8th NumbersDAO voting topic community review #370

Closed Steffdarz closed 1 month ago

Steffdarz commented 2 months ago

Topic: Revising CAPTCHA Requirements in NumbersDAO


Dear Numbers DAO, Reflecting on past discussions and the DAO's trajectory, we notice a significant portion of the community still haven't owned a CAPTCH-A. In our pursuit of greater inclusivity and active participation in Numbers DAO, we believe a bit of change to the CAPTCH-A acquisition requirement is necessary. This community review is proposed to discuss how we can effectively lower the entry barrier for new and existing members.

Currently the CAPTCH-A requirement is as following : CAPTCH-A Acquisition Program(1)

Proposed Changes :

  1. Pebble Tier Changes :

    • Option to stake (30 days) or burn.
    • Stake 1,000 NUM or burn 200 NUM for Pebble access.
  2. Snow Tier Adjustments :

    • Eliminate whitelist requirements.
    • Reduce staking amount from 5,000 to 3,000 NUM.
    • Decrease burn requirement from 5,000 to 1,000 NUM.
    • Extend stake duration from 30 to 60 days.

Rationale Behind the Changes:

  1. The current model offers little incentive for obtaining Pebble. By introducing a staking option, we provide a more accessible path for community interaction in the DAO voting room.
  2. Adjusting Snow tier requirements is aimed at encouraging broader participation. Lowering the financial threshold should attract a more diverse group of stakeholders.
  3. Eliminating whitelist requirements for Snow will encourage new members to participate in Numbers DAO and extending the staking duration will ensure only a dedicated community member with long-term vision will be able to participate in the voting process.

These proposals are driven by the belief that a more inclusive and flexible entry system will not only boost engagement but also align with our core values of diversity and community-driven growth. We encourage each member to share their perspectives on these proposed changes, as your insights are invaluable in shaping the future of NumbersDAO. Remember, this writing is not meant to sway your opinion but rather to foster dialogue and broaden our collective understanding. Thank you for your continued commitment to the community.

Entering Community Review Just like previous DAO meeting topics, this Numbers Governance Proposal will undergo community review for 14 days until May 10th. During this time, I encourage the Numbers community to share their thoughts and concerns on GitHub issues and discuss openly on our many social channels regarding this proposal. I look forward to hearing your feedback!

​ ┆The issue is also created on Asana

Johnbsbsbwhsbe commented 2 months ago

Great project📈

TylerDylan commented 2 months ago

Hello NumbersDAO Community,

I've reviewed the proposed changes to the CAPTCHA requirements, and I appreciate the effort to make participation more inclusive and accessible. Here are my thoughts on the proposed adjustments:

  1. Pebble Tier Changes:

    • Staking Option: Introducing a staking option for Pebble access is a great idea. It allows members who may not be able to afford burning tokens a chance to participate. This could encourage more people to join and stay active in the community.
    • Burning Option: While burning tokens can be beneficial for the token economy, the amount required should be reconsidered. Perhaps lowering it slightly more would prevent potential participants from feeling hesitant about the irreversible loss of tokens.
  2. Snow Tier Adjustments:

    • Eliminating Whitelist Requirements: This is a positive step towards removing barriers for new members. It simplifies the process and makes it more transparent for everyone interested.
    • Adjusting Staking and Burning Requirements: Reducing these thresholds is sensible and should help attract a broader audience. However, the significant decrease in the burning requirement (from 5,000 to 1,000 NUM) might need to be monitored to see if it impacts the perceived value of holding and using NUMs.
    • Extending Stake Duration: Increasing the duration from 30 to 60 days is a good move. It encourages longer-term commitment from the members, which can enhance stability and community engagement.

General Thoughts: These changes seem well-thought-out and aimed at increasing participation without diluting the quality of engagement. It’s important that these adjustments are communicated clearly and frequently to ensure all members understand the new opportunities and requirements.

Thank you for considering my feedback. I believe these changes could positively impact our community, making it more vibrant and diverse.

DanielSamuel1 commented 2 months ago

These careful modifications seem strategically crafted to boost involvement while upholding engagement quality. Ensuring all members understand the new opportunities and requirements through clear and frequent communication is crucial. NumbersProtocol's openness to feedback is valued. I'm hopeful that putting these adjustments into effect could cultivate a community that is more vibrant and inclusive.

DexstarJay commented 2 months ago

These proposed changes in CAPTCH-A requirements are like opening new doors to a wider, more diverse community. It's not just about numbers; it's about inclusivity and empowerment.

CleanDexlin commented 2 months ago

Extending the stake duration and lowering the financial threshold for Snow tier demonstrates a commitment to fostering a community of dedicated, long-term stakeholders. This isn't just about participation; it's about building a community invested in the future of NumbersDAO.

Lasheron commented 2 months ago

Over all the proposal a lot of positive aspects that is increasing the community involvement lowering the barrier to entry this will over all help in the governance of numbers protocol

Meanwhile there are a few negative, the old users who have brought the the CAPTCHA either by staking or burning how would it impact the existing members

Overall there are more pros , great initiative!

Amb-Wizhy commented 2 months ago

The proposed CAPTCH-A requirement changes aim to expand community inclusivity and empowerment. These modifications strategically enhance involvement and maintain engagement quality. Clear and frequent communication about new opportunities and requirements is crucial for all members. NumbersProtocol's openness to feedback is appreciated, and implementing these adjustments could foster a more vibrant and inclusive community.

Cryptoguy86 commented 2 months ago

I think it's a great way to increase the adoption of NUM token to ease owning CAPTCHA for more interactive from the community to help build a great decentralized DAO and to increase the usage of NUM token for staking and or BURN to increase the value and the purpose of the CAPTCHA. Great idea.

Note: If you can make a purpose of collecting more type of CAPTCHA and getting the full collection of CAPTCHA,for different cause and interaction with the project.

Probiduc commented 2 months ago

The proposed adjustments to the NumbersDAO tiers are a smart move towards inclusivity and active engagement. Introducing staking for Pebble and revising Snow requirements could indeed make participation more accessible and appealing. It's essential to ensure these changes are clearly communicated to foster a well-informed and vibrant community. Your openness to dialogue is commendable, and these changes have the potential to enrich the NumbersDAO ecosystem significantly.

Profkingkeys commented 1 month ago

Extending the staking duration for the Snow tier might be a positive step towards ensuring long-term commitment from participants. However, it's worth exploring if there are alternative solutions that achieve the same goal without potentially discouraging participation. Also Consider a tiered burn structure for the Pebble tier. This could incentivize users to burn more $NUM for faster access while providing a lower burn option for budget-conscious users.

emmerson121 commented 1 month ago

This is a welcomed development, it'll promote Inclusiveness as already mentioned.

I'm glad the team came up with this idea, with this, I'll also participate!

bayana15 commented 1 month ago

In as much as this latest development will bring in involvement and make it easy for many to participate, please let's do it, thanks.

Humblecarnelian commented 1 month ago

The proposed changes to the CAPTCH-A requirements in NumbersDAO reflect a thoughtful approach to enhancing inclusivity and participation within the community. Introducing a staking option for the Pebble tier and adjusting Snow tier requirements demonstrate a commitment to incentivizing engagement and attracting a more diverse group of stakeholders. Overall, I believe these changes align well with the DAO's core values and promote transparent, collaborative decision-making.

Carina470 commented 1 month ago

Introducing a staking option can incentivize members to become more actively involved in the Dao's activities, as it provides them with an opportunity to earn rewards while contributing to the community. This could also lead to greater commitment and engagement from members of NumbersProtocol, as they have a vested interest in the success of the NumbersDao.

Karen5-hub commented 1 month ago

I support the changes aimed at enhancing inclusivity and participation. The introduction of staking options and adjustments to Snow tier requirements are positive steps towards lowering entry barriers. Looking forward to contributing to the community review process.

Visijo commented 1 month ago

This is a great initiative to increase inclusivity in Numbers DAO!

Lowering the CAPTCHA-A acquisition requirement can definitely help bring in more members and boost overall participation. I'd be interested in hearing specific ideas on how we can achieve this effectively.

Westpaiid commented 1 month ago

I particularly like the introduction of a staking option for the Pebble tier. This provides a more flexible entry point for members who might not have the capital to burn NUM right away. Reducing the requirements for the Snow tier also makes sense and should help attract a wider range of engaged participants.

Swisssmart commented 1 month ago

Great proposal! I fully support the revisions to the CAPTCHA requirements. The changes will undoubtedly make NumbersDAO more inclusive and accessible to a wider range of members. The introduction of a staking option for Pebble Tier and the adjustments to Snow Tier requirements are well thought out and align with our values of diversity and community-driven growth. I particularly appreciate the extension of the staking duration to 60 days, ensuring that only dedicated and long-term thinking community members can participate in the voting process.

Yearner1 commented 1 month ago

Well, it's a welcome development, I admire the fact the team sees it deem fit to change the option for access to the DAO, it'll surely favour the onboarding of new members

heisbright commented 1 month ago

These thoughtful adjustments appear to have been purposefully designed to increase interaction while maintaining its caliber. It is essential that all members are kept informed about the new obligations and opportunities through frequent and clear communication. I'm optimistic that implementing these changes will foster a more lively and welcoming community.

Bikso1 commented 1 month ago

One thing I like about numbers team is listening to the community. Well this is a nice innovation that will lead to more people embracing the opportunity and participating in the event, so I support it 👍

Cryptoguy86 commented 1 month ago

Only one thing ? :)

On Tue, 7 May 2024 at 12:41 AM Bikso1 @.***> wrote:

One thing I like about numbers team is listening to the community. Well this is a nice innovation that will lead to more people embracing the opportunity and participating in the event, so I support it 👍

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divinity-sam commented 1 month ago

Overall, the proposal boasts numerous positive facets, such as heightened community engagement and reduced entry barriers, which will ultimately enhance the governance of the protocol. However, concerns arise regarding the potential impact on existing members who have acquired CAPTCHA through staking or burning. Despite this, the pros outweigh the cons, making it a commendable initiative.

galason commented 1 month ago

I appreciate the team for coming up with this proposal to introduce a staking option for Pebble tier and adjust Snow tier requirements to lower barriers to entry. Our collective goal here is to foster a more inclusive and participatory community, driving growth and progress for all stakeholders. I will offer the following suggestions to further enhance the proposal:


  1. Gradual Rollout: Implement the changes in a phased manner to assess their impact and make adjustments as needed.

  2. Clear Timeline: Establish a clear timeline for implementing the changes to ensure a smooth transition.

  3. Incentives: Consider introducing additional incentives for participants in the DAO voting room to encourage more active engagement.

  4. Regular Review: Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of the changes to ensure they align with the community's evolving needs and goals.

  5. Mentorship Program: Introduce a mentorship program for new participants to help them understand the DAO voting process and encourage more informed decision-making.

  6. Community Recognition: Develop a community engagement program to recognize and reward active participants and contributors.

  7. Transparency and Accountability: Explore ways to increase transparency and accountability in the DAO voting process to build trust and confidence among participants.

I believe these suggestions will enhance the proposal and contribute to a more inclusive, participatory, and growth-oriented NumbersDAO community.

Ohgey commented 1 month ago

Dictating the gap between ownership of the CAPTCH-A among members and diversing means to include everyone in the community governance, is already a step in the right direction.

This changes in acquisition requirement doesn't just promote inclusion, as it isn't over the top and easily adoptive, it encourages wider adoption.

Confijoe commented 1 month ago

A functional DAO thrives on the active participation of its community members. This is vital in order to make decisions, share ideas and drive development.

The proposal to lower the entry barriers to Numbers DAO must be really commended as it will be highly impactful in quite a number of ways:

  1. Encourage inclusivity: By lowering the CAPTCH-A requirements, more people can participate, contribute with diverse perspectives and ideas.

  2. Foster community growth: Increased accessibility attracts new members, expanding the community and enhancing collective knowledge.

  3. Encourage collaboration: By making it easier for people to join the DAO, collaborations and innovations will be enhanced.

If this proposal gets implemented, Numbers DAO can be rest assured of a more vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic community, leading to increased success and rapid development.

Jennifer104 commented 1 month ago

I believe it's a fantastic strategy to boost NUM token adoption by making CAPTCHA ownership more accessible and interactive for the community. This approach can foster the development of a robust decentralized DAO and drive up the usage of NUM tokens for staking or burning, thereby enhancing the value and utility of CAPTCHA. Additionally, the idea of collecting various types of CAPTCHA for different purposes and engaging with the project adds further depth to the concept.

Jennifer104 commented 1 month ago

I believe it's a fantastic strategy to boost NUM token adoption by making CAPTCHA ownership more accessible and interactive for the community. This approach can foster the development of a robust decentralized DAO and drive up the usage of NUM tokens for staking or burning, thereby enhancing the value and utility of CAPTCHA. Additionally, the idea of collecting various types of CAPTCHA for different purposes and engaging with the project adds further depth to the concept.

Bbhansome commented 1 month ago

Sometimes I face difficult seeing NUM token on Capture wallet until i add NUM token on metaMask, please the team should look into this.

daredevil8871 commented 1 month ago

Overall, I strongly support the proposed changes to the CAPTCHA requirements. Since the early days of Numbers Protocol, I've believed in fostering a thriving and inclusive community. These changes seem like a positive step in that direction.

daredevil8871 commented 1 month ago

Here are my thoughts on this proposal

Great idea to allow staking for Pebble Tier - lowers barrier to entry. Reduce Snow Tier stake amount to 3,000 NUM - more people can participate. Eliminate Snow Tier whitelist - everyone gets a chance to contribute. Looking forward to a more engaged community!

daredevil8871 commented 1 month ago

My suggestions

Consider a brief grace period after the initial staking period in Pebble Tier, allowing members to choose between unstaking or continuing for continued access.

Explore the possibility of rewarding active participation (voting, discussions) with additional benefits within each tier.

Let's keep this momentum going! NumbersDAO thrives on active participation, so I encourage everyone to share their thoughts and actively participate in shaping the future of the community.

fredlex commented 1 month ago

By prolonging the stake duration and reducing the financial threshold for the Snow tier, we show our dedication to nurturing a community of loyal, long-term participants. It's not just about involvement; it's about cultivating a community with a vested interest in the future of NumbersDAO.

Marybeth-Nwachukwu commented 1 month ago

I believe the proposed changes to revise CAPTCHA requirements in NumbersDAO are a step in the right direction towards fostering a more inclusive and engaged community. Introducing a staking option for the Pebble tier and adjusting Snow tier requirements are strategic moves to lower barriers to entry and encourage broader participation.

The decision to introduce a staking option for the Pebble tier is particularly noteworthy as it provides an alternative pathway for community members to access DAO voting rooms. This not only incentivizes engagement but also aligns with the principle of active participation in governance processes.

Similarly, the adjustments to the Snow tier requirements, such as eliminating whitelist requirements and reducing staking amounts, aim to attract a more diverse group of stakeholders. By lowering the financial threshold, more community members can contribute to NumbersDAO, thereby enriching the decision-making process with diverse perspectives.

Extending the stake duration for Snow tier members is a prudent move to ensure that participants are committed to the long-term success of the DAO. This helps to build a community of dedicated stakeholders who are invested in the sustainable growth and development of NumbersDAO.

Overall, these proposed changes demonstrate a thoughtful approach to community governance and reflect a commitment to the core values of inclusivity and community-driven growth.

Goodvibes66 commented 1 month ago

It’s a great opportunity again to be able to share my one cent about this important topic. It shows the team’s perspective and commitment to DAO, as well as upholding the principle of inclusivity of the community in making a decision that affects all. The modifications are well thought out to once again ensure inclusiveness and top class involvement. staking to acquire and revising Snow requirements are of course great step towards boosting participation, as it will allow more users from the community to take part in DAO voting events . In my opinion, I see more positivity to this as end product, although this is subject for debate .

BeegHanty commented 1 month ago

The proposal to revise CAPTCHA requirements within NumbersDAO is a commendable effort to enhance inclusivity and participation within the community. It reflects a proactive approach to addressing potential barriers to entry and ensuring that the DAO remains accessible to a wider range of individuals. Here are my thoughts and suggestions:

  1. Impact on Governance: Lowering the entry barrier might lead to an influx of new members, potentially affecting voting dynamics. Implementing a tiered voting system based on CAPTCHA level (Pebble, Snow) or introducing a minimum holding period for voting rights after acquiring a CAPTCHA can be considered.

  2. Staking Period Optimization: While a 60-day staking period discourages short-term participation, it might be too long for some members. Alternative durations or allowing users to choose between staking periods with varying voting power can be explored.

  3. Security Implications: Staking a lower amount (1000 NUM) for Pebble Tier might be too easy to exploit for malicious actors. Implementing a minimum account age requirement alongside staking can be considered.

  4. Alternative Access Methods: CAPTCHA alternatives that are more user-friendly and accessible can be explored, this can help in balancing security with ease of use. Examples include implementing social logins with account verification or gamified challenges.

Steffdarz commented 1 month ago

Thanks for everyone's input on this topic. We will close this community review and post the recap once it's done!

Tukymakesmusic commented 1 month ago

The proposal to revise CAPTCHA requirements within NumbersDAO aims to enhance inclusivity and participation by addressing potential entry barriers and broadening accessibility.

A key consideration is the impact on governance. Lowering the entry barrier could bring in many new members, influencing voting dynamics. To manage this, the DAO could introduce a tiered voting system based on CAPTCHA levels, like Pebble and Snow, or set a minimum holding period for voting rights post-CAPTCHA acquisition.

The current 60-day staking period, while discouraging short-term participation, may be too long for some. Offering alternative durations or allowing users to choose between different staking periods with varying voting powers could provide more flexibility.

Security concerns also arise with the lower staking amount of 1000 NUM for the Pebble Tier, which might be exploited by malicious actors. Introducing a minimum account age requirement alongside staking could enhance security.

Finally, exploring more user-friendly CAPTCHA alternatives, such as social logins with account verification or gamified challenges, could balance security with ease of use, promoting further inclusivity within NumbersDAO.

These suggestions aim to refine the proposal, enhancing inclusivity while maintaining robust security and effective governance.