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Improve E2E tests: fix stability issues, tighten controls #492

Closed Morendil closed 3 weeks ago

Morendil commented 3 weeks ago


At present E2E tests are more of a burden on the team than they are helping with quality, due to instability which I believe was mainly caused by parallel workers, but these problems were hidden by the two-retries policy.

This PR fixes some of the stability issues but also argues for following the testing philosophy "fail fast".

Rather than "retrying flaky tests" I propose seeing any test failure, even intermittent, as a sign of a potential problem. The right thing to do with a potential problem is not, as it were, to sweep it under the rug, but to fix it for the future.

If a test is truly flaky then it needs to be fixed or removed - E2E tests need to pull their weight, given their cost in terms of longer feedback loops.


This PR

Fixes #409 (hopefully)