numero2 / contao-opengraph3

Implementation of OpenGraph tags and Twitter Cards for Contao.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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fieldmapping for better usability #31

Closed asaage closed 2 years ago

asaage commented 2 years ago

I installed this but it doesn't work exactly like i was hoping to. Since news, events and products already have a singleSrc field for an image i think it would be nice to use this as og:image/twitter:image. instead i have to set that seperately wich clutters up the input-Panel and can be annoying if you need to find the right image in a big filetree. I understand that this was probably a descision to have more flexibility but maybe there is a way to map the fields (in an on-save callback) and remove the input-fields from the panel. The same goes for title-field - i asume most of the time (in my case always) you want that to be the newstile or the productname - without doing the copy&paste action. Do you have a suggestion for that?

bennyborn commented 2 years ago

We could most certainly set the news title as og:title and the teaser as og:description but since all the social networks fallback to the meta title and meta description anyway, if no OpenGraph tags are present, I don't see much use in that.

Almost the same story with og:image / twitter:image - if not explicitly set, they search for the first image which is usually the correct one. "Inherting" the og:image from the news itself can be quite disadvantageous since Facebook for example requires a certain minimum resolution for such pictures which might not be available.

The whole point of that bundle is to be able to set extra data tailored for use in Social Media instead of just adding some OpenGraph tags with the same content that is already available somewhere else in the source 🙃

asaage commented 2 years ago

extra data tailored for use in Social Media

I did get it - thank you for the feedback.

For images: it's really nice that you are able to configure the image-size for og and twitter in the system-settings. The fallback unfortunately does not really work for me: there are pictures earlier in the source, they have the wrong resolution/filetype etc. For the title: i dont neccessarily want the rootpage-title appended for og/twitter which for meta-title i do. I guess i can figure this out with a snippet in the template of newsreader/productreader but then this will most likely interfere with stuff that is already being added by contao-opengraph3 since there is no obvious way to deactivate that for news/events/products. 🤔

bennyborn commented 2 years ago

Maybe you could provide a PR?

It should be no problem to set the news title, description and image as a fallback if nothing specific was provided in

Using the image-size in the system settings will take care of the proper resizing once configured correctly and provided the source is high resolution enough 🙂

asaage commented 2 years ago

Maybe you could provide a PR?

I don't think that is going to happen. It would require pretty extensive changes to achive what i thought this extension would provide. I rather convince my editor to make use of the ability to tailor the different tags.