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Eyal Kazin - Everything That You Wanted To Know About P-Values But Were Afraid To Ask #161

Open emmcauley opened 1 year ago

emmcauley commented 1 year ago



0:05 Presentation Introduction 0:37 Agenda 0:59 Speaker Introduction 1:10 P-Values are a way of quantifying how extreme your data are 3:44 Why can’t p-values be used to accept the null hypothesis? 4:28 Comparing the extremes of probability distributions with simulated coin flip data 6:50 A flat p-value distribution indicates that the p-value cannot be used to accept the null hypothesis (in this context) 7:21 P-values: pros and cons 8:52 Frequentist vs. Bayesian statistics 9:45 Additional PyData presentation on hypothesis testing 10:29 Talk Summary