00:00 Welcome!
00:28 Introduction by Raphael de Brito Tamaki
01:46 Outline of the presentation
Introduction to advertisement:
02:46 Modelling advertisements for digital products
06:42 Finding the optimal bid for your marketing campaigns
09:28 The role that uncertainty plays in the marketing strategy
Forecasting Lifetime Value with PySTAN:
12:22 About PySTAN
13:07 The data used: Lifetime Value dataset from Kaggle
14:46 Description of the model
17:18 Implementation of the model in PySTAN
22:53 Achieving the same model with PyMC
23:34 Comparison between PySTAN and PyMC
27:46 Conclusion
Timestamp for this video
00:00 Welcome! 00:28 Introduction by Raphael de Brito Tamaki 01:46 Outline of the presentation
Introduction to advertisement: 02:46 Modelling advertisements for digital products 06:42 Finding the optimal bid for your marketing campaigns 09:28 The role that uncertainty plays in the marketing strategy
Forecasting Lifetime Value with PySTAN: 12:22 About PySTAN 13:07 The data used: Lifetime Value dataset from Kaggle 14:46 Description of the model 17:18 Implementation of the model in PySTAN 22:53 Achieving the same model with PyMC 23:34 Comparison between PySTAN and PyMC 27:46 Conclusion