numixproject / numix-core

Builder for App Icon Themes
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Zoom Icon? #5772

Closed MintMain21 closed 2 years ago

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago

Only now realizing that (on Linux Mint 20.3) there's no icon for Zoom. Not that the default Zoom Icon is bad, but it's square shaped, which contrasts hard with similar programs like Discord and Whatsapp that DO have icons in the Numix Circle Collection.

Edit: After using some Duck-Fu, I found this: A png of the Zoom Logo as a circular icon.

I can manually change the menu entry to use this icon, yes, but the absence of this by default in the collection seems even more goofy knowing that a variant of the logo appropriate for the theme already exists.

palob commented 2 years ago

Hi, please file icon requests here: We definitely have got an icon for Zoom already, the issue is probably a new icon name which we do not cover yet. We need this icon name in order to help you. You can find it in the respective .desktop launcher file stored in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications or in some other (hidden) directory in your $HOME directory, depending on how you installed it.

Foggalong commented 2 years ago

I can't seem to replicate this issue, @MintMain21 where did you install Zoom from?

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago

The Deb Package on the official Zoom Website.

Foggalong commented 2 years ago

@MintMain21 Could you provide the details @palob asked for? Will help us work out what's going on :slightly_smiling_face:

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago

Sorry. I should've done that before, but I didn't.

Okay, in usr/share/applications, I found the Zoom Launcher. It was created December 23rd, which I believe was when I uninstalled the flatpak and installed the .deb package from the Zoom website. Opening that launcher in a text editor, I see the following:

[Desktop Entry] Name=Zoom Comment=Zoom Video Conference Exec=/usr/bin/zoom %U Icon=Zoom Terminal=false Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Categories=Network;Application; StartupWMClass=zoom MimeType=x-scheme-handler/zoommtg;x-scheme-handler/zoomus;x-scheme-handler/tel;x-scheme-handler/callto;x-scheme-handler/zoomphonecall;application/x-zoom X-KDE-Protocols=zoommtg;zoomus;tel;callto;zoomphonecall; Name[en_US]=Zoom

I followed the trail to usr/bin/zoom, which in turn led me to /opt/zoom/ZoomLauncher. I hope this is helpful.

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago


As you can see, the image seems to be the default Zoom Icon. If there is a Zoom Icon in the Numix Circle Theme Pack, it is not overriding the default.

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago

And again, for the record, I'm using the version in the Mint Repo. I can try this PPA: , which I understand is one version ahead.

palob commented 2 years ago

That's strange. When I download that 19.12.27+202201101933 package, a Zoom.svgis included. Are you sure you've got the latest version of Numix Circle?

What happens when you click on the icon in that Edit Launcher dialog box? Any path shown?

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago

On Linux Mint, the icon is classified as "uncatagorized". When I search for a Zoom icon, without opening the file-system itself, what I get is the following: image

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago

Like I said, I'm using the latest version of the Circle theme in the Mint Repo. I can upgrade to the version in the PPA if necessary.

palob commented 2 years ago

Can you please search for Zoom inside usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle?

MintMain21 commented 2 years ago


palob commented 2 years ago

So you are probably using an ancient version of Numix Circle.

palob commented 2 years ago

Ah OK, Mint repo. So this is not surprising given that Mint is a "sta(b)le" / LTS / frozen repo distro. Packages aren't updated apart from security backports. I' definitely recommend the PPA.