numpi / hm-toolbox

Toolbox for HODLR and HSS matrices in MATLAB
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Only sorted access to entries in HSS form #3

Closed bonevbs closed 4 years ago

bonevbs commented 4 years ago

Hello again, sorry if this is a trivial question - I wasn't sure where to ask this. I ran across the issue that individual entries in HSS form A(I,j) can only be accessed if the index sets i and j are sorted. So I had to resort to a wrapper in the form of

function out = sorted_access(Afun, i, j)
  [~,is] = sort(i); [~,js] = sort(j);
  out(is,js) = Afun(i(is), j(js));

Edit: After diving into subs ref I do see now how unsorted indices can be an issue. I'll leave the snippet here in case it helps someone else.

I am sorry to spam like this but I'd like to also ask how to get both generators for off diagonal blocks. In the current form calling

[U,V] = hssA.hss_offdiag('upper')

causes the error Output argument "varargout{2}" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "hss/subsref". which seems to be a matlab related issue. It seems Matlab only supports one output with the current implementation. Any hints on how I could resolve this?

massei commented 4 years ago

Hi Boris! No worries for the spam :), the discussion is useful. For subsref with ordered indices: we wanted subsref to return a sub matrix in the hss format and if the indices are not sorted can be subtle. if you just want the output in the dense format: we overload the function "get" (basically, we copied your snipplet) so that you can call get(A, I, J) to get A(I, J) even I and J are not ordered. The second issue is caused by the fact that hss_offdiag is in the private repository. If you add a file offdiag.m in the @hss repository containing

function [U, V] = offdiag(H, ul) [U, V] = hss_offdiag(H, ul); end

then you can just call offdiag(A, 'upper') for your purposes.

bonevbs commented 4 years ago

Hi Stefano, thanks a lot for your quick reply, it's very helpful!

In fact one other thing I noticed is that there seems to be an issue when accessing submatrices of HSS matrices with non-standard blocking. I guess non-standard blocking is still experimental?

So, when I run full(hssA(I,J)) and hssA is such a matrix I get a dimension mismatch. If you are interested I can replicate the matrix and post it here.

massei commented 4 years ago

Yes, if you can post your example that would be useful.

bonevbs commented 4 years ago Ok I just saved them into a file. Running


should give you the error Error using * Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication..

Btw, I checked out the latest commit. It seems you forgot to add get? I am not sure, at least running get(S,I,J) gives me Too many input arguments.

massei commented 4 years ago

Thank you for spotting this! There was a mistake in the transpose for hss matrices with non standard partitioning. Now it should be fixed.

bonevbs commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot!! :) And glad I can help.. in fact I might have found some more I'm afraid: I want to invert the topmost HSS block and inv(hssA.A11) should work right in my understanding. But even if I am trying to invert the whole matrix with non-standard clustering it gives me an error when I do inv(hA). I have attached the matrix.

massei commented 4 years ago

The problem with using hssA.A11 directly is that there are some fileds (for instance topnode) that have to be updated before applying some hss operations. If you want to do such operation you need to clean the exactred submatrix with a function like the following

function H = clean_hss(H) H.topnode = 1; H = clean_ric(H); end

function H = clean_ric(H) if isempty(H.A11) && isempty(H.A22) H.leafnode = 1; H.Wl = []; H.Wr = []; H.Rl = []; H.Rr = []; = []; = []; = []; = []; else H.leafnode = 0; H.U = []; H.V = []; if ~isempty(H.A11) H.A11 = clean_ric(H.A11); end if ~isempty(H.A22) H.A22 = clean_ric(H.A22); end end end

bonevbs commented 4 years ago

I see! I wasn't aware that there is more to fix than topside = 1. This should cover the things I am trying to do right now, so thanks for all the helpful answers! :)

I don't know whether you did - you might want to have a look at the matrix that I attached anyway. I was trying to invert the entire matrix, not just the top block and it didn't work for some reason. Again it's a matrix with non-standard blocks, but maybe I am doing something wrong?

massei commented 4 years ago

Hi Boris, the problem should be fixed, it was affecting backslash for HSS with non standard partitioning. Let us know if it works now.

bonevbs commented 4 years ago

Hi Stefano, thanks a lot I will have a look and let you know! Boris