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Turn off edit-this-page button. #232

Closed rossbar closed 2 days ago

rossbar commented 2 days ago

There is a known issue with the "edit-this-page" feature of the theme related to the fact that the site relies on symlinks that violates the theme's expectations re: paths to content. See #89 for details.

This PR simply disables the feature for now to prevent duplicate issues.

Closes #231 #229

bsipocz commented 2 days ago

CI is unrelated, so I go ahead and merge this. Thanks a bunch @rossbar!

negativenagesh commented 2 days ago

@rossbar @bsipocz

This below solution corrects the error #231 I mentioned, without closing the button- "Suggest edit"

Exact error location:

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better solution would be

Instead of

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It has to be:

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I don't know where to find this file thats it...