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bug using array with a PIL Image (misc.imread) (Trac #1179) #1777

Closed thouis closed 12 years ago

thouis commented 12 years ago

Original ticket on 2009-07-22 by trac user nicopinto, assigned to unknown.

For some reason I have a problem converting a specific png image using array().

Here is what I am getting (using numpy 1.3.0 and scipy 0.7.0).

% wget % python -c "import numpy as np; import Image; print np.array('spiky_adj_023.png'))"
<PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile instance at 0xd1a050>

% wget % python -c "import numpy as np; import Image; print np.array('spiky_norm_001.png'))" [[134 30 140 ..., 230 83 59] [ 99 202 233 ..., 160 63 133] [ 93 241 35 ..., 7 240 101] ..., [206 132 196 ..., 139 190 112] [218 21 217 ..., 121 152 109] [ 83 188 187 ..., 6 240 251]]

I was initially using scipy's misc.imread when I found this bug. I am currently using the following workaround: % python -c "import numpy as np; import Image; print np.array('spiky_adj_023.png').convert('RGB'))"

Let me know what you think.

thouis commented 12 years ago

trac user nicopinto wrote on 2009-07-30


thouis commented 12 years ago

@rgommers wrote on 2010-06-02

Is this with the official 1.6.1 PIL? I can't download your image anymore, but I can see it's uint8 or uint16 which is hopelessly broken in PIL. Maybe with the latest PIL trunk on Bitbucket you'll have more luck, or otherwise try scikits.image - it now has a FreeImage wrapper.

Leaving this open for now, but the chance of this being a numpy issue is quite small.

thouis commented 12 years ago

Milestone changed to Unscheduled by @rgommers on 2010-06-02

thouis commented 12 years ago

trac user nicopinto wrote on 2010-06-02

Thanks for your answer. I'm using the official PIL 1.1.6.

To reproduce:

wget && python -c "import numpy as np; import Image; print np.array('spiky_adj_023.png'))"


wget && python -c "import numpy as np; import Image; print np.array('spiky_norm_001.png'))"

I get the same problem using the latest dev version of PIL.

thouis commented 12 years ago

@pv wrote on 2010-07-29

It's a bug in PIL, nothing we can fix:

['shape', 'data', 'typestr']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL/", line 507, in __getattr__
    shape, typestr = _conv_type_shape(self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL/", line 221, in _conv_type_shape
    typ, extra = _MODE_CONV[im.mode]
KeyError: 'LA'