numworks / epsilon

Modern graphing calculator operating system.
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Add arithmetical and logical operations on integers: and, or, xor, etc. #146

Closed debrouxl closed 1 year ago

debrouxl commented 7 years ago

The usual logical operations on booleans and integers:

bmuessig commented 4 years ago

Yes, this would be amazing. Especially, since hexadecimal and binary are already supported as input and output formats.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

I am interested in taking a crack at implementing this, but it needs more definition first. For example: We can do logical expressions on boolean values: and(1,1) = 1

We can also do them on Integers: and(0xFF,0x0F) = 0x0F

But what happens when we do an inverting function of an integer? not(0x0F) = 0xF0 //would probably be ideal But because Numworks stores integers in 32-bit "digits" and we have no way of knowing the bit-width of the number, the not operation would look like this: not(0x0F) = 0xFFFFFFF0

Is this acceptable?

I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to have an extra parameter to the logical operation that tells the calculator the number of bits to operate on. For example: not(0x0F, 16) = 0xFFF0 would limit the number of bits to invert at 16.

The problem though is if the input is larger than the number of bits, what do you do? not(0x0F, 1) = undefined

Does anyone have any thoughts on the best way to implement these expressions?

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

The problem though is if the input is larger than the number of bits, what do you do? not(0x0F, 1) = undefined

I would always truncate it. The not(0x0F, 1) should be equivalent to ~0x0F & ((1 << 1) - 1).

joecrop commented 3 years ago

So maybe the proposal that I could implement would be:

static Integer xor(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a ^ b
static Integer xnor(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = !(a ^ b)
static Integer and(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a & b
static Integer nand(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); //x = !(a & b)
static Integer or(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a | b
static Integer nor(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = !(a | b)
static Integer not(const Integer &a, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = !a
static Integer sll(const Integer &a, const Integer &shift, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a << shift, shift left logical
static Integer srl(const Integer &a, const Integer &shift, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a >> shift, shift right logical
static Integer sra(const Integer &a, const Integer &shift, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a >>> shift, shift right arithmetic
static Integer ror(const Integer &a, const Integer &rotate, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = (a >> shift) & ((a & 1) << num_bits), rotate right
static Integer bic(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = (!a & b)
static Integer bit(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // (a >> bit) & 1, return the bit-th bit of a
static Integer bclr(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // x = a & !(1 << bit), clear tha bit-th bit of a;
static Integer bset(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // x = a | (1 << bit), clear tha bit-th bit of a;
static Integer bflp(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // x = a ^ (1 << bit), flip the bit-th bit of a.


  1. num_bits will pad the output beyond the input bit widths with the appropriate 1's or 0s depending on the operation
  2. If inputs a or b are larger than num_bits, the output is truncated
  3. Inputs a and b must be positive, even if bit 31 is a 1, it is still treated as unsigned (and positive)

I would propose an additional function that can help with two's compliment conversion:

// converts an unsigned binary number to it's two-compliment equivalent Integer
// Simply useful to decode binary numbers that are negative
// Examples:
// If argument 1 is positive, the output will be converted to two-s comp (i.e. look at sign bit in MSB)
tc(0xFF, 8) = -1
tc(0x0F, 8) = 15
// if argument 1 is negative, it is always converted to unsigned
tc(-1, 8) = 255
status Integer tc(const Integer &a, const Integer &num_bits);

But there is no easy way to display negative numbers in binary/hex unless we decide to treat them as always 32 bits, which is a bit dangerous because that would mean you can't represent 0xFFFFFFFF as a positive number (ever) if that were the case.

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

A range of 32 bits was already offered by e.g. TI-68k calculators over two decades ago. If you want the implementation of this feature to stand out from the pack, you should probably aim at least for 64-bit integers :)

Double bonus points for "arbitrary" precision integers, but that's (much ?) more work.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

Yes, if we agree on the const Integer &num_bits input for each function, given the current Numworks poincare Integer infrastructure we can support an arbitrary number of bits from 1-1024. It would be hard for the user to read the display with 1024 bits, but nothing prevents this feature and it is relatively easy to implement given I have already written a version of it here:

However, for displaying negative numbers, if we were to choose a default of 64 bit, the display would be cumbersome. So I'm not sure the best way to handle them... unsigned numbers are straightforward though...

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

You could default to 32 or 64 bit signed and have a signed() conversion function, that takes a number and the bit width and extends the twos complement to display it as a negative number. e.g. signed(255, 8) would yield -1, while signed(120, 8) would still be 120. This would also allow two‘s complement on arbitrary bit widths that are smaller than the native bit width.

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

On a side note, it would also make sense to have bit shift right (signed and unsigned as in java), as well as bit shift left

joecrop commented 3 years ago

Yes, going from 0xFF to -1 is easy hence my twos_comp(const Integer &a, const Integer &num_bits); proposal. However, it doesn't seem easy to me to go form -1 to 0xFF. Maybe the best way is to do this is to extend/modify Poincare::Integer to have an m_num_bits private variable that can be stored to support this mode. I'll have to see if that is easily achievable.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

On a side note, it would also make sense to have bit shift right (signed and unsigned as in java), as well as bit shift left

Yes, let me add those definitions to my original function definition post.

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

Beyond shifts, rotate right and left are useful: although they can be synthetized from shifts, or and masking, that's needlessly annoying :)

But shift/rotate operations further bring up the usefulness of flags (especially carry and overflow, they already show up in fixed-size add, sub, mul, etc.), and therefore operation such as add with carry, subtract with carry, rotate with carry. If handling those is desired, the design becomes more complex.

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

Yes, going from 0xFF to -1 is easy hence my twos_comp(const Integer &a, const Integer &num_bits); proposal. However, it doesn't seem easy to me to go form -1 to 0xFF. Maybe the best way is to do this is to extend/modify Poincare::Integer to have an m_num_bits private variable that can be stored to support this mode. I'll have to see if that is easily achievable.

You need a trim function, that again takes the number of output bits. However, storing the number of bits with each integer would also solve the issue.

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

I’m certainly not advocating for feature creep, especially given the low amount of resources available, but a bit(x,a) function, that returns the least significant bit a of the number x at a given position would be nice: return (x >> a) & 1

joecrop commented 3 years ago

I’m certainly not advocating for feature creep, especially given the low amount of resources available, but a bit(x,a) function, that returns the least significant bit a of the number x at a given position would be nice: return (x >> a) & 1

Sure, easy enough, I'll add it.

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

AFAICT, besides rotates, the "and A with not B" I mentioned in my original description isn't part of your proposal (yet). nand is "not (A and B)", whereas what I suggested yields the bic instruction on an ARM processor, IIRC :)

I'm not aware of any difference between arithmetical shift left and logical shift left: logical shift left works properly for both signed and unsigned numbers.

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

I'm not aware of any difference between arithmetical shift left and logical shift left: logical shift left works properly for both signed and unsigned numbers.

Indeed, there isn't a difference for left shift. For right shift though, the logical shift just shifts the bits, while the arithmetic shift also extends the sign (see e.g.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

AFAICT, besides rotates, the "and A with not B" I mentioned in my original description isn't part of your proposal (yet). nand is "not (A and B)", whereas what I suggested yields the bic instruction on an ARM processor, IIRC :)

I was thinking this would be an acceptable coverage of that: and(A,not(B, 8), 8) But if you want a dedication function, it is not hard to implement that. Should I add it to the list? static Integer bic(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits);

I'm not aware of any difference between arithmetical shift left and logical shift left: logical shift left works properly for both signed and unsigned numbers.

You are right, I will remove sla but keep sra. Should I add rotate right?

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

Should I add rotate right?

For consistency, a rotate right should also be included.

By the way, I would recommend shortening the twos_complement function name to something that can be typed more easily, since it will most likely get used quite often. How about tc()?

joecrop commented 3 years ago

By the way, I would recommend shortening the twos_complement function name to something that can be typed more easily, since it will most likely get used quite often. How about tc()?

Sure, I also plan to add a sub-menu to the toolbox to make it easier to recall these.

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

Yes, both rotate right and rotate left are useful, as are the bit test function mentioned by bmuessig, and the bit manipulation functions as shortcuts for combinations of and / or / xor with a shifted (and inverted, in the case of and) mask: bit clear, bit set, bit invert. The 68000 provides these four bit instructions as btst, bclr, bset, bchg.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

Yes, both rotate right and rotate left are useful, as are the bit test function mentioned by bmuessig, and the bit manipulation functions as shortcuts for combinations of and / or / xor with a shifted (and inverted, in the case of and) mask: bit clear, bit set, bit invert. The 68000 provides these four bit instructions as btst, bclr, bset, bchg.

OK, my 68000 instruction set knowledge it a bit rusty... Can you clearly define what you want those functions to do algebraically?

debrouxl commented 3 years ago
joecrop commented 3 years ago
  • btst a, x: (x >> a) & 1, !!(x & (1 << a)) or an equivalent expression for returning the a-th bit of x;
  • bclr a, x: x &= ~(1 << a), clear tha a-th bit of x;
  • bset a,x: x |= (1 << a), set the a-th bit of x;
  • bchg a,x: x ^= (1 << a), flip the a-th bit of x.

Thanks, I think I have them captured. I renamed a couple of them to make them more friendly named for users not familiar with those names. I chose: bit, bclr, bset, bflp. We can discuss these names if they are contentious.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

Before I dive down this path, here's an example for what I plan to implement. Please provide feedback before I start in earnest. 2021-01-08 at 11 57 AM

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

Before I dive down this path, here's an example for what I plan to implement. Please provide feedback before I start in earnest. 2021-01-08 at 11 57 AM

I like it. Looking forward to use it, when it's implemented :-)

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

From the POV of a user of the calculation app, at least in some cases - such as the one you're showing, definitely, where both arguments are hex constants, but more generally when both arguments are unsigned - the third argument needs to be implicit. It is on the TI-68k and Nspire series, among others :)

joecrop commented 3 years ago

From the POV of a user of the calculation app, at least in some cases - such as the one you're showing, definitely, where both arguments are hex constants, but more generally when both arguments are unsigned - the third argument needs to be implicit. It is on the TI-68k and Nspire series, among others :)

The xor function does not need a num-bits option, but any inverting function will expand 0's, i.e. and, nor, not, etc.. I added num_bits argument to xor for consistency and it can definitely be implicit. But if we need it to be implicit for inverting functions, the implicit value is non-obvious. In Numworks, Integers have a max of 1024 bits in 32 bit chunks (called digits). So the implicit option could have 3 possibilities, off the top of my head:

  1. default to boolean (1 bit), integers larger than 1 would be interpreted as 1
  2. default to 32 bits, integers larger than 32 would be truncated. <-(TI calcs do this I believe)
  3. Set the number bits based on the max digits in a or b. output_bits = 32*max(a.num_digits(),b.num_digits())
debrouxl commented 3 years ago

Sure, the inverting functions are different from the non-inverting functions. I should have been a bit more specific about my previous message applying best to or and xor :)

About these three possibilities, IMO:

BTW, on the topic of expanding: it makes me think that zero-extend above bit M to N bits (should probably be named zext, and return the input unchanged if M > N), and sign extend bit M to N bits (sext, I suppose; unchanged if M > N), are missing from your proposal. Synthetizing extend, especially sign extend, using the other base operators is annoying, AFAIK...

With those extend functions available, the third possibility for an implicit argument to the other operators you mentioned would be easier to use from the POV of the user: shortening or widening numbers / masks would be easier. The third argument could be optional for sext and zext as well, and use the third possibility like the other operators.

EDIT: but first of all, and, or, xor and not, for integers (in up to 1024 bits of 32-bit "digits", I think) and booleans. From that foundation, there can be other iterations later :)

joecrop commented 3 years ago

@debrouxl unfortunately in the way Numworks handles numbers, there is no concept of the number of bits, actually, even digits are a relatively loose construct. For example, when you enter "-1" into the calculator, it parses it as Integer(.digit[0]=1, .negative=true). This is super helpful for the symbolic/reduction features (i.e. removing a double negative, etc.). Even when you enter 0x01, the text is parsed and it stores Integer(.digit[0]=1, .negative=false). This is why you never see hex/bin on the right side of the calculator log, because it only knows about the parsed integer.

Therefore, zero-extension (and even sign extension) would be futile because the raw bits are not stored anywhere. Furthermore, we can't somehow be smart and store the number of bits the user has requested to store for a particular number because the right hand side of the calculator app doesn't actually store a data structure, it stores a string that gets parsed to an integer every time you click on it :(. In light of this, we have to effectively do manual truncation for every operation to maintain some fixed number of bits.

The other challenge, if we go with option 3: output_bits = 32*max(a.num_digits(),b.num_digits()), is the question on how to represent signed numbers and overflow. In the TI cals, if you do not(0x00), the calculator returns Integer -1, so the calculator is not only truncating to 32 bits, but also is using 32-bit signed integers. This makes it very easy for them to understand how to convert a negative number to bin/hex as they always truncate to 32 bits. If we allow for scalable bit widths then negative numbers get even more nebulous.

I'm not sure what the best answer here is. But I am definitely sympathetic to TI's decision to fix everything to 32 bit signed...

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

It might make sense to fix it to 64 bit signed, since the 32-bit days are numbered

joecrop commented 3 years ago

The only problem is that 64 bit negative numbers will be overwhelming to display. Here's what they look like:

Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 7 42 43 PM

Even in hex, the LSBs are hidden from view...

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

You are right, 32 bit would make more sense.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

I have been debating this in my mind for the past couple days now. I'm not convinced there is a simple solution here. Here are my concerns:

Scenario 1: Default precision is 32 bits signed, negative numbers are not displayed in hex/bin

Scenario 2: Default precision is 32 bits signed, negative numbers ARE displayed in hex/bin, no overflow

Scenario 3: Default precision is 32 bits signed, negative numbers ARE displayed in hex/bin (and translated correctly)

I am worried that if we choose 32 bits as the default, the following will happen:

  1. no hex/bin display for negative numbers
  2. HEX/bin display will be limited to 32 bits (not ideal), or
  3. HEX/bin will not be interpreted correctly for negative numbers (even worse)

Either tradeoff 2/3 almost seems like a gating factor that will prevent the Numworks Czars from approving the merge request. and tradeoff 1 is far from ideal too...

joecrop commented 3 years ago

Thinking about this further, maybe the best solution today is to just treat everything as unsigned 32-bit by default. This will:

  1. Work with the calculator's native bin/hex conversions
  2. Keep all of the math consistent
  3. Not support 2's compliment... but maybe that's ok...

Scenario 4:

Any concerns about just not supporting two's comp? That would make this achievable.

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

Any concerns about just not supporting two's comp? That would make this achievable.

Wouldn't it be possible to just have a single from signed and to signed function that just converts from a rounded Numworks integer to the unsigned representation and vice versa?

joecrop commented 3 years ago

Wouldn't it be possible to just have a single from signed and to signed function that just converts from a rounded Numworks integer to the unsigned representation and vice versa?

Yes, something like this:

// If argument 1 is positive, the output will be converted to two-s comp (i.e. look at sign bit in MSB)
tc(0xFF, 8) = -1
// if argument 1 is negative, it is always converted to unsigned
tc(-1, 8) = 255

So all logic functions are unsigned and once you want to know what a number is as two's comp, just pass it through the tc() function.

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

It's sad that the hex representation for 64-bit numbers doesn't fit in the Additional results dialog. That said, this particular issue looks like it would be fixed by making the dialog wider: the slack space on the left and right of the screen is larger than two characters and a half with spacing.

Yes, making computations unsigned would simplify things :)

joecrop commented 3 years ago

OK, I think we are aligned on a spec. Let me know if there is anything else to adjust.

static Integer xor(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a ^ b
static Integer xnor(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = ~(a ^ b)
static Integer and(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a & b
static Integer nand(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); //x = ~(a & b)
static Integer or(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a | b
static Integer nor(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = ~(a | b)
static Integer not(const Integer &a, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = ~a
static Integer sll(const Integer &a, const Integer &shift, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a << shift, shift left logical
static Integer srl(const Integer &a, const Integer &shift, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a >> shift, shift right logical
static Integer sra(const Integer &a, const Integer &shift, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = a >>> shift, shift right arithmetic
static Integer ror(const Integer &a, const Integer &rotate, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = (a >> shift) & ((a & 1) << num_bits), rotate right
static Integer bic(const Integer &a, const Integer &b, const Integer &num_bits = 32); // x = (a & ~b)
static Integer bit(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // (a >> bit) & 1, return the bit-th bit of a
static Integer bclr(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // x = a & ~(1 << bit), clear tha bit-th bit of a;
static Integer bset(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // x = a | (1 << bit), clear tha bit-th bit of a;
static Integer bflp(const Integer &a, const Integer &bit); // x = a ^ (1 << bit), flip the bit-th bit of a.


A helper function will be provided to convert between two's compliment representation:

// converts an unsigned binary number to it's two-compliment equivalent Integer
// Simply useful to decode binary numbers that are negative
status Integer tc(const Integer &a, const Integer &num_bits = 32);

// Examples:
// If argument 1 is positive, the output will be converted to two-s comp (i.e. look at sign bit in MSB)
tc(0xFF, 8) = -1
tc(0x0F, 8) = 15
// if argument 1 is negative, it is always converted to unsigned
tc(-1, 8) = 255
debrouxl commented 3 years ago

I still have comments :)

joecrop commented 3 years ago
  • most of your comments are using ! for not, which would be correct in boolean context, but in integer context, ~ needs to be used;

Of course, I'll change it for clarity

  • xnor, nand and nor are just not(xor), not(and) and not(or), so they're at best low priority, if not superfluous;

Perhaps, best to keep it full featured if the effort is low

  • >>> is >> in C/C++. You'll need to cast the operand to signed before performing the shift and cast again back to unsigned. A working formula for asr of uint32_t value by uint32_t count is (b >= 32) ? UINT32_C(0) : (uint32_t)((int32_t)a >> b);; I checked that on x86, modern GCC versions produce a sar instruction;

Good to note. Because the function will support arbitrary bit widths, I don't think we can leverage native c++ here. I think the operation will need to look more like this:

for (n=0; n<b; n++) {
   msb = (a & (1 << num_bits)) >> num_bits;
   a = (a >> 1) | (msb << num_bits);
  • the formula in the ror comment is that of a shift which moves the bottom bit to the top, but not a rotate, AFAICT. A working formula for ror of 32-bit balue by 32-bit count is (a >> b) | (a << ((-b) & 31));; I checked that on x86, modern GCC versions produce a ror instruction;

You are saying the ror instruction moves 4 bits instead of 1 right? As someone who designs data converters, I see value in being able to rotate by an arbitrary amount... If we hard code this to match a processor instructions, are there practical mathematical uses that add value to the calculator other than just emulating a processor?

  • rotate left is missing, and in the absence of a function returning the bit width, it cannot easily be emulated by rotating right by the appropriate number of bits, unless the whole set of functions only forever handles fixed-width integers. Better adding a rol function IMO. I know (well, I had forgotten, but saw it again when checking the ARM QRC0001) that the ARM ISA only has ror - which is alright when the instruction width is fixed;

Yes, I think the whole set of functions does only support fixed width integers... and the default would be 32. I fear there might be a detail I am missing with your concern here.

I'm happy to add 'rol', but the same question as above applies, should it be hard coded to a nibble, limiting its functionality outside of processors?

  • in the ARM ISA, bic is a & ~b. ~a & b is just a bic with reversed operands, but I think that it would be clearer for users to follow the ARM ISA convention ?

I agree

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to reply to your comment.

ror by 8 bits and rol by 8 bits are among the right ways to swap the endianness of a 16-bit value. Rotation is also the right way to preserve the background mask in operands of the form VVVVVVVV 11111111 11111111 11111111 when shifting right (arithmetical shift right does the job only if the topmost bit of V), or 11111111 11111111 11111111 VVVVVVVV when shifting left (can't directly insert 1 bits by logical shift left). Last but not least, multiple other calculator families provide a rotate operation :)

For users' sake, ror and rol should probably not be hard-coded to a nibble if sll, slr and sar aren't.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

For users' sake, ror and rol should probably not be hard-coded to a nibble if sll, slr and sar aren't.

Let me try to interpret your proposal. Is this what you are trying to say?

static Integer ror(const Integer &a, const Integer &rotate, const Integer &num_bits = 32);
 x = (a >> rotate) & ((a & ((2^rotate)-1)) << (num_bits-rotate))


a = 0b11111111_00000000
rotate = 8
num_bits = 16
x = 0b00000000_11111111


a = 0b11111111_00000000
rotate = 2
num_bits = 16
a = 0b0011111_11000000

If this matches your statements above, then I think we have been talking about the same thing from the begining. Let me know if I a missing a detail.

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's the kind of behaviour I have in mind for ror as well :)

You typo'ed a | as & in the formula, but you'd have noticed it soon anyway when making tests.

joecrop commented 3 years ago


Now that the spec has firmed up, I have started the easy part... implementation. I have worked though the corner cases dealing with parsing and truncation and have a demo of the basic logic functions (or/nor, xor/xnor, and/nand, not). Enjoy:

If anyone is interested, my development branch is here:

joecrop commented 3 years ago

I'm getting very close to finishing. All of the functions we defined have been written with test cases. There;'s just a couple decision points left:

  1. It turns out that Epsilon tries to be smart and limit the display of large integers. For example, if you type 2^99 - 1 you will get 2^99 - 1 = 633825300114114700748351602687. However, when you type 2^100 - 1 you get 2^100 - 1 = 2^100 - 1. Without changing this core function, this limits the number of bits for logic operations to 99. (there is also a setting that turns off HEX display when the number is above some smaller number, but that can be easily dialed back up). I find it odd that this limitation does not exist in Omega, it must be some new-ish "feature". What the best way to proceed?
    1. Just limit to 99 max bits?
    2. Petition Numworks to turn that "feature" back off so more bits can be realized?
  2. I have added toolbox menu items for each of the functions (see screenshot). I would appreciate feedback on the descriptions. (translations appreciated too ;) ). See below:
Logic = "Logic"
LogicalAnd = "a AND b"
LogicalBitClear = "Clear bit number b in a"
LogicalBitFlip = "Flip bit number b in a"
LogicalBitGet = "Get bit number b in a"
LogicalBitSet = "Set bit number b in a"
LogicalBitsClear = "Clear a with bits in b [a AND NOT(b)]"
LogicalNand = "a NAND b"
LogicalNor = "a NOR b"
LogicalNot = "NOT a"
LogicalOr = "a OR b"
LogicalShiftLeft = "Logical shift left [a << s]"
LogicalShiftRightArithmetic = "Arithmetic shift right [a >>> s]"
LogicalShiftRight = "Logical shift right [a >> s]"
LogicalRotateLeft = "Rotate r bits of a to the left"
LogicalRotateRight= "Rotate r bits of a to the left"
LogicalXnor = "a XNOR b"
LogicalXor = "a XOR b"
TwosComplementToBits = "Two's complement equivalent"

2021-01-23 at 10 03 PM

bmuessig commented 3 years ago
  1. Just limit to 99 max bits

I think everything up to 64 would have worked already, you're fine ;-)

  1. translations appreciated too

I can offer a German translation.

bmuessig commented 3 years ago

This would be my take at a German translation of the above strings:

Logic = "Logik"
LogicalAnd = "a AND b"
LogicalBitClear = "Bit b in a löschen"
LogicalBitFlip = "Bit b in a umkehren"
LogicalBitGet = "Bit b aus a lesen"
LogicalBitSet = "Bit b in a setzen"
LogicalBitsClear = "a AND NOT(b)"
LogicalNand = "a NAND b"
LogicalNor = "a NOR b"
LogicalNot = "NOT a"
LogicalOr = "a OR b"
LogicalShiftLeft = "Bitverschiebung nach links [a << s]"
LogicalShiftRightArithmetic = "Arithmetische Verschiebung nach rechts [a >>> s]"
LogicalShiftRight = "Bitverschiebung nach rechts [a >> s]"
LogicalRotateLeft = "Rotieren von a um r Bits nach links"
LogicalRotateRight= "Rotieren von a um r Bits nach rechts"
LogicalXnor = "a XNOR b"
LogicalXor = "a XOR b"
TwosComplementToBits = "Äquivalent im Zweierkomplement"

LogicalRotateRight= "Rotate r bits of a to the left"

I think you meant "Rotate r bits of a to the right".

debrouxl commented 3 years ago

My take at a French translation:

Logic = "Logic"
LogicalAnd = "a AND b"
LogicalBitClear = "Effacer le bit numéro b dans a"
LogicalBitFlip = "Inverser le bit numéro b dans a"
LogicalBitGet = "Obtenir le bit numéro b dans a"
LogicalBitSet = "Allumer le bit numéro b dans a"
LogicalBitsClear = "Effacer a avec les bits de b [a AND NOT(b)]"
LogicalNand = "a NAND b"
LogicalNor = "a NOR b"
LogicalNot = "NOT a"
LogicalOr = "a OR b"
LogicalShiftLeft = "Décalage logique à gauche [a << s]"
LogicalShiftRightArithmetic = "Décalage arithmétique à droite [a >>> s]"
LogicalShiftRight = "Décalage logique à droite [a >> s]"
LogicalRotateLeft = "Rotation de a de r bits vers la gauche"
LogicalRotateRight= "Rotation de a de r bits vers la droite"
LogicalXnor = "a XNOR b"
LogicalXor = "a XOR b"
TwosComplementToBits = "Equivalent en complément à deux"

though I'm not really happy with "allumer" in LogicalBitSet.

joecrop commented 3 years ago

OK, I'll settle for 64 bits max...

Looks like the max string length is 34 characters for these toolbox messages. Can you shorten some of these please? Here's my attempt on the shortened English:

Logic = "Logic"
LogicalAnd = "a AND b"
LogicalBitClear = "Clear bit number b in a"
LogicalBitFlip = "Flip bit number b in a"
LogicalBitGet = "Get bit number b in a"
LogicalBitSet = "Set bit number b in a"
LogicalBitsClear = "Clear a with b [a AND NOT(b)]" //shortened
LogicalNand = "a NAND b"
LogicalNor = "a NOR b"
LogicalNot = "NOT a"
LogicalOr = "a OR b"
LogicalShiftLeft = "Logical shift left [a << s]"
LogicalShiftRightArithmetic = "Arithmetic shift right [a >>> s]"
LogicalShiftRight = "Logical shift right [a >> s]"
LogicalRotateLeft = "Rotate r bits of a to the left"
LogicalRotateRight= "Rotate r bits of a to the right" //corrected
LogicalXnor = "a XNOR b"
LogicalXor = "a XOR b"
TwosComplementToBits = "Two's complement equivalent"
bmuessig commented 3 years ago

Looks like the max string length is 34 characters for these toolbox messages.

Here you go:

Logic = "Logik"
LogicalAnd = "a AND b"
LogicalBitClear = "Bit b in a löschen"
LogicalBitFlip = "Bit b in a umkehren"
LogicalBitGet = "Bit b aus a lesen"
LogicalBitSet = "Bit b in a setzen"
LogicalBitsClear = "a AND NOT(b)"
LogicalNand = "a NAND b"
LogicalNor = "a NOR b"
LogicalNot = "NOT a"
LogicalOr = "a OR b"
LogicalShiftLeft = "Bitverschiebung links von a um s"
LogicalShiftRightArithmetic = "Arithm. Versch. rechts von a um s"
LogicalShiftRight = "Bitverschiebung rechts von a um s"
LogicalRotateLeft = "Rotieren von a um r Bit n. links"
LogicalRotateRight= "Rotieren von a um r Bit n. rechts"
LogicalXnor = "a XNOR b"
LogicalXor = "a XOR b"
TwosComplementToBits = "Äquivalent im Zweierkomplement"