nunit / nunit-console

NUnit Console runner and test engine
MIT License
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Nunit Console 3.9 in TeamCity #468

Closed elinato closed 6 years ago

elinato commented 6 years ago

I installed Nunit Console 3.9 in TeamCity Administration | Tools page.

But I get this Error:

`[08:44:40]Step 5/5: Run tests (NUnit) (4m:15s) [08:44:42][Step 5/5] The TeamCity NUnit runner requires the following NUnit extensions to be installed: NUnit.Engine.Listeners.TeamCityEventListener, NUnit.Engine.Services.ProjectLoaders.NUnitProjectLoader. Please follow our instructions at:

[08:44:47][Step 5/5] Error message is logged

[08:44:45][Step 5/5] Starting: C:\BuildAgent\tools\NUnit.Console.3.9.0\nunit3-console.exe C:\BuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\GERpfJMfD6Q8vUtmwBbKkm80LFuqozTN.nunit --result=C:\BuildAgent\temp\buildTmp\GERpfJMfD6Q8vUtmwBbKkm80LFuqozTN.nunit.xml --noheader --x86 --where cat==NoDependencies --framework=net-4.0 --noresult --workers=4 --labels=All

[08:44:45][Step 5/5] in directory: C:\BuildAgent\work\a66df898adece9eb\Trustee.Common.Test\bin\Debug [08:44:45][Step 5/5] Runtime Environment

[08:44:45][Step 5/5] OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0

[08:44:45][Step 5/5] CLR Version: 4.0.30319.42000

[08:44:45][Step 5/5]

[08:44:45][Step 5/5] Test Files`

as you can see I can run tests, but it report Error

rprouse commented 6 years ago

How did you install NUnit Console? Did you use this NuGet package which includes the dependencies mentioned?

Is this an upgrade from 3.8?

Did you follow the instructions on the linked page and install the extensions?

elinato commented 6 years ago

Yes, I did install the package from Nuget in VS, I also added Nunit Console from Teamcity Tools page.

I upgraded it from 3.7.

I have all the extensions installed.

I will try on Monday to reinstall the package.

rprouse commented 6 years ago

@NikolayPianikov can you help out here? Our changes to extension discovery might have broken the way extensions are discovered in TeamCity.

NikolayPianikov commented 6 years ago

@rprouse TeamCity analyses the output of nunit3-console.exe --list-extensions. Now there are some additional information about .net framework like (.NET 2.0) in the end of lines describing extension. Perhaps it is the reason of warning message in the build log, but anyway this issue should not stop tests. @elinato I will look at it tomorrow in detail.

NikolayPianikov commented 6 years ago

@elinato the bug was fixed and the patch will be available in the next patch release of TeamCity. This issue should not block tests.

NikolayPianikov commented 6 years ago

@rprouse I think the issue might be closed here

rprouse commented 6 years ago

Closed as not a bug because it was in TeamCity. Thanks @NikolayPianikov.