nunit / nunit-vs-adapter

Runs NUnit V2 tests inside the Visual Studio 2012 or later Test Explorer window.
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No Source location for inner (nested) test fixture class #164

Open pkrukp opened 6 years ago

pkrukp commented 6 years ago


if inner (nested) class is marked with TestFixture, then there is no information about source code:

 public class OuterClass
        public class InnerClass

The source information is not present at least for parametrized tests, I have not checked normal tests. The lack of source information can be seen in VS Test Explorar, but also when using vstest programmatically through VsTestConsoleWrapper.

Attaching - solution with:

Reproduction steps:

  1. Unpack zip to a folder, for example C:\tmp\Nested
  2. Build solution
  3. Run tests using VS test explorer
    • Notice for "NormalClass" tests there is Source link in details
    • Notice for "InnerClass" tests there is "Source: no source available" text present. This means that for passed tests there is no information about location at all, as stack trace is also not available
  4. Run tests using VsTestConsoleWrapper
    • Download vstest.console.runner (, unpack to a folder, for example C:\tmp\microsoft.testplatform.15.6.0-preview-20180109-01
    • Run Microsoft.TestPlatform.TranslationLayer.E2ETest.exe with apropriate arguments, for example: "C:\tmp\Nested\Microsoft.TestPlatform.TranslationLayer.E2ETest\bin\Debug\net451\win7-x64\Microsoft.TestPlatform.TranslationLayer.E2ETest.exe" "--runner:C:\tmp\microsoft.testplatform.15.6.0-preview-20180109-01\tools\net451\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\vstest.console.exe" "--testassembly:C:\tmp\Nested\NestedClassTest\bin\Debug\NestedClassTest.dll" "--testadapterpath:C:\tmp\Nested\packages\NUnitTestAdapter.2.1.1\tools\NUnit.VisualStudio.TestAdapter.dll"
    • Notice that TestCase associated with results for "InnerClass" do not have source CodeFilePath and LineNumber

nunit inner class

jnm2 commented 6 years ago

Here is the fix that was done to the current adapter:

spencerb02 commented 6 years ago

That pull request was merged in a year ago. Why is this still a problem? We are still setting the issue resolved by #285 when upgrading to 3.9 from 2.6.4 in visual studio 2017. "No source available"

jnm2 commented 6 years ago

@OsirisTerje Should we move this to the nunit3 adapter repo?

pkrukp commented 6 years ago

From my (test adapter user) perspective, if I had problem with test adapter v2, I would search issues in test adapter v2 github project, not v3.

If problem also occurs in test adapter v3 (I think I also tested v3 and I think this problem did not happen for me - I'm not 100% sure) I would prefer to have a separate issue created in the v3 github project.

CharliePoole commented 6 years ago

If it's a problem in the v2 adapter, then it belongs here. If other people have a problem on v3, we may need a separate issue.

jnm2 commented 6 years ago

The reason I asked is that we're doing our best to move people to v3 and the v3 adapter to focus our efforts there rather than publish a new v2 adapter.

CharliePoole commented 6 years ago

Understood. My comment was meant to reflect my disagreement with that policy.