nunocoracao / blowfish

Personal Website & Blog Theme for Hugo
MIT License
1.26k stars 367 forks source link

🎨 Github Card shortcode + minify alters its appearance #1434

Open CTHRU opened 3 months ago

CTHRU commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add a GitHub card shortcode somewhere on your website.
  2. Build the website without minification:
    hugo server
  3. Open the page with the GitHub card: it appears normal with language, stars and forks displayed on the same line.
  4. Now build the website with minification:
    hugo server --minify
  5. Open the same page with the GitHub card: language, stars and forks and their respective numbers are each displayed on a new line.

Expected behavior The appearance of the GitHub card is the same when using --minify as the 'normal' one, i.e. language, stars and forks information appear all one the same line.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Hugo & Blowfish versions Hugo v0.125.1 + Blowfish v2.65.0

Additional context

nunocoracao commented 2 months ago

Hello @CTHRU I am closing this ticket as all of Blowfish websites are built using the minify tag in the latest version of Hugo and this problem isn't there.

CTHRU commented 2 months ago

I have no idea what is different at your side, but for me using v2.66.0 it still looks like this when minified


Whereas non-minified, it looks like this.


The screenshots are taken from the same webpage.

nunocoracao commented 2 months ago

Can you share the repo URL and public url for website?

CTHRU commented 1 month ago

It took me a while to find some time to setup a test website, but here it is:

Blowfish test repo on Codeberg

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run a local server with --minify option
    hugo server --minify

    I hope this helps in pinpointing the issue.

CTHRU commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, would it be possible to reopen this so that a skilled contributor could take a look at this? I updated the test repo to the latest Hugo and Blowfish version and the issue is still there. I also noticed in another thread here that it also happens when adding a GitHub card to a Timeline (there was a screenshot with the exact same lay-out issue I experience). Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten in which issue I saw it.

Thank you for re-opening the issue.