nunomaduro / termwind

🍃 In short, it's like Tailwind CSS, but for the PHP command-line applications.
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Animated Rendering for Progress Bars, Loaders, and More #188

Open pdphilip opened 2 weeks ago

pdphilip commented 2 weeks ago

This PR introduces animated rendering capabilities to Termwind, allowing for dynamic updates of CLI components like progress bars or any other live-rendered element. I've developed this feature to use in my own package (see: and would love to contribute it back to Termwind.


Termwind offers excellent flexibility in designing CLI interfaces, but the standard progress bars often look out of place. This PR enhances Termwind's potential by enabling real-time updates to rendered elements, leveraging all its existing design capabilities. This is useful for progress bars, loaders, or any component that requires continuous updates.

Real-world example:

ElasticLens Build

2 New Functions:

1. liveRender(string $html = '', int $options): LiveHtmlRenderer

$live = liveRender($view); 
// Same as termwind's render() but returns the $live instance
// Methods:
$screenWidth = $live->getScreenWidth(); // Helper method to get terminal width
$live->reRender($view); // Re-renders the $live instance with $view

Example: Progress Bar

$max = 250;
$current = 0;
$live = liveRender(); //Doesnt render at this point, but creates a $live instance at this line
$live->reRender(view('cli.components.progress', [
    'screenWidth' => $live->getScreenWidth(), //The view component needs this
    'current' => 0,
    'max' => $max,
while ($current <= $max) {
    $live->reRender(view('cli.components.progress', [
        'screenWidth' => $live->getScreenWidth(),
        'current' => $current,
        'max' => $max,

A More Practical Example:

$max = User::count();
$i = 0;
$live = liveRender();
//Start at zero
$live->reRender(view('cli.components.progress', [
    'screenWidth' => $live->getScreenWidth(),
    'current' => $i,
    'max' => $max,
User::chunk(100, function ($users) use ($i, $max, $live) {
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        // Do something to $user
        // Move progress +1
        $live->reRender(view('cli.components.progress', [
            'screenWidth' => $live->getScreenWidth(),
            'current' => $i,
            'max' => $max,



Termwind Progress

2. asyncFunction(callable $task): AsyncHtmlRenderer

$async = asyncFunction(callable $task);  
// Initates the Async instance on the given line, 
// And sets the task as a callback

// Methods:
$i = $async->getInterval(); // Returns the current interval
$isRunning = $async->getIsRunning();  // Helper to see if the task is still running
$screenWidth = $async->getScreenWidth(); // Helper method you can use in your view
$async->render($view); // (re)renders a view
$async->withFailOver($view); // Optional view that will be used if pcntl_fork is not available
$result = $async->run(callable $render, int $si = 1000) //Executes the $task and loops the $render in $si micro-sec intervals & returns the $result of the $task once it's done



//Initate the Async Instance (on this line) and define the task
$async = asyncFunction(function () {
    //Run a task
    //Return the result
    return [
        'state' => 'success',
        'message' => 'Completed',
        'details' => 'Index migrated successfully',
//Set a failover view in case the terminal can't fork
$async->withFailOver(view('cli.components.loader', [
    'state' => 'failover',
    'message' => 'Migrating Index',
    'i' => 1,
// Run the task and re-render the view every 0.05s
// Once the task has been completed, it will return $result
$result = $async->run(function () use ($async) {
    $async->render(view('cli.components.loader', [
        'state' => 'running',
        'message' => 'Migrating Index',
        'i' => $async->getInterval(),
},50000); //every 0.05 sec
// Use $result to render again
$async->render(view('cli.components.loader', [
    'state' => $result['state'],
    'message' => $result['message'],
    'details' => $result['details'],
    'i' => 0,


Termwind Loaders


Below are the blade files used in the demo examples:

Progress Bar: Example 1 ```php
{{$current}}/{{$max}} {{$percentage}}%
Progress Bar: Example 2 ```php
{{$current}}/{{$max}} {{$percentage}}%
Progress Bar: Example 3 ```php 25) { $progressColor = "bg-sky-600 text-sky-400"; } if ($max == $current) { $progressColor = "bg-emerald-600 text-emerald-300"; } ?>
{{$current}}/{{$max}} {{$percentage}}%
Loader: Example 1 ```php $intervals) { $i -= $intervals; } $show = $characters[$i]; $textColor = "text-amber-500"; switch ($state) { case 'success': $textColor = "text-emerald-500"; $show = "✔"; break; case 'warning': $textColor = "text-amber-500"; $show = "⚠"; break; case 'failover': $textColor = "text-amber-500"; $show = "◴"; break; case 'error': $textColor = "text-rose-500"; $show = "✘"; break; } ?>
{{ $show }} {{$message}} @if(!empty($details)) {{$details}} @endif
Loader: Example 2 ```php $intervals) { $i -= $intervals; $j++; if ($j > 3) { $j = 0; } } $show = $characters[$i]; $textColor = $colors[$j]; switch ($state) { case 'success': $textColor = "text-emerald-500"; $show = "✔"; break; case 'warning': $textColor = "text-amber-500"; $show = "⚠"; break; case 'failover': $textColor = "text-amber-500"; $show = "◴"; break; case 'error': $textColor = "text-rose-500"; $show = "✘"; break; } ?>
{{ $show }} {{$message}} @if(!empty($details)) {{$details}} @endif
Loader: Example 3 (This one is insanely complicated, but just showing what’s possible) ```php $v ? $nextColorIndex : $colorIndex, $colorTransitions[$step]) : array_fill(0, 5, $nextColorIndex); $stateConfig = [ 'success' => ['text-emerald-500', '✔'], 'warning' => ['text-amber-500', '⚠'], 'failover' => ['text-amber-500', '◴'], 'error' => ['text-rose-500', '✘'] ]; [$textColor, $show] = $stateConfig[$state] ?? [null, false]; ?>
@foreach($blockWeights as $index => $weight) @endforeach
@endif {{$message}} @if(!empty($details)) {{$details}} @endif