nuraiyani / water-quality-monitoring-system

Water Quality Monitoring System for fish hatchery
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new coding file for ds18b20 #2

Open nuraiyani opened 1 year ago

nuraiyani commented 1 year ago


Use this circuit diagram which use "external power supply" from the arduino 5V pin instead of using "parasite power"


nuraiyani commented 1 year ago

//Ar795-v1-0 //N.B.: BE SURE TO ALSO EDIT PRGM NAME IN "Serial.print(..." in setup()

//ver 09 Feb 18 //Derived from first "DS18B20 on ESP8266" (not called that), //which was created 3 Jan 17

//See also

//Much of this comes from... // //.. apologies to the authors of that for the mess I've made of it, //in adapting it to my wants. Their program was elegant.

/Early version worked fine on Sparkfun ESP8266 "Thing", "Dev Brd" version. (Part WRL-13711) Should work there still. Know to work on AruProMini/


long int liLoopCycleCount=0; unsigned long ulMillisAtPrevTenthsBump; unsigned long ulTmp; long int liTenthsPassed=0; long int liTenthsPassedPrev=0; long int liTenthsPassedWhenConvertRequested;

byte const pOneWireMicroLan=11; OneWire ds(pOneWireMicroLan); //Determines which pin the program //will look at for all 1-Wire work. //On that pin: The Data line of the 1-Wire chips, and a 4.7K resistor // to pull the line up to the system's Vcc. The 1-Wire chip's Vcc and Gnd // pins to be connected to system's. See internet for discussion of // right value for resistor. Just one, regardless of how many 1-Wire chips. //Look a little way down // for a diagram giving help with DS18B20 pinout.

//(Program also makes trivial use of LED built into the Arduino...) byte const pBuiltInLED=LED_BUILTIN;

byte i; byte present = 0; byte type_s; byte data[12]; byte addr[8]; byte addr2[8]; byte bWhichSensor;

float celsius, fahrenheit, celsiusX10;

//(We won't be using celsiusx10 for a bit, //nor what follows, but enter it now, and //it shortens the tutorial! What follows //is for "stuffing" the temperature into //fixed with fields on a web-page...

int iTmp; char cSTture0 ='+'; char cTturDC0Huns ='9';//Temperature, in Celcuis DECIdecgrees... i.e. 12.4 degC is 124 deg char cTturDC0Tens ='9'; char cTturDC0Units ='9'; //Reports "+999" (DECIdegrees) until first reading done.


void setup() { pinMode(pBuiltInLED, OUTPUT);

Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Demo of using multiple DS18B20 tture sensors,"); Serial.println("on one pin, with Arduino of your choice. Seen working on"); Serial.println("Arduino Pro Mini, and very similar on Sparkfun ESP8266 Dev 'Thing'."); Serial.println("Prgm name: Ar795-v1-0, edit 09 Feb 18"); //N.B.: BE SURE TO ALSO EDIT PRGM NAME IN REM AT TOP OF PAGE //"Edit" info is here only.

Serial.println("For tutorial, see...."); Serial.println(""); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Be patient. First reading should appear in about 20 seconds.");

delay(1500);// Give reader a chance to see the output.


if ( { //addr can be empty when this called. It is for the //return of some data. do { Serial.print("ROM ="); for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Serial.write(' '); Serial.print(addr[i], HEX); }

if (OneWire::crc8(addr, 7) != addr[7]) { Serial.print("CRC is not valid. May be noise on "); Serial.print("line. Wire too long? Pull up resistor "); Serial.print("forgotten? (Wires of at least 2 m should "); Serial.println("be okay.)"); return;//Shuts app down if fetch of a ROM ID failed. } Serial.println();

} while (; };//end of if. No else.

/*Following can be done "automatically", when

Serial.println("No more addresses."); Serial.println(); ds.reset_search(); delay(250);


Serial.println("There will be a delay of about 12 seconds"); Serial.println("between reading reports. (To keep your display sensible.)"); Serial.println("A reading every 2 seconds or so is possible.");


Serial.println("This program can also drive the Arduino Serial Plotter"); Serial.println("There will be some ""noise"" at the start of the graph,"); Serial.println("arising from the text you are reading now. It won't recur.");


//Serial.println("First two numbers are current values"); //Serial.println("of internal counters."); //Serial.println();

//See orig code for a more flexible answer. The folloing line //"locks" this implementation to serving only //DS16B20s. type_s = 0;

bWhichSensor=0;//crude switch... an improved mechanism can be //used, and will be implemented in due course.

}//end setup()

void loop() { liLoopCycleCount++;

if ((liLoopCycleCount % 100)==0) {//"Once in a while..."

ulTmp=millis(); if (ulTmp<ulMillisAtPrevTenthsBump) {ulMillisAtPrevTenthsBump=ulTmp;}; //this handles rollover of millis. //this "tenth of a second" will be up //to 2/10th of a second long. I can live //with this "extra" error in 50 days!

if (ulTmp>ulMillisAtPrevTenthsBump+100) { //Tenth passed liTenthsPassed++; ulMillisAtPrevTenthsBump=ulTmp; if ((liTenthsPassed %100)==5) {//This block of code requests tture sensor to //take a reading, the first of the two parts of //getting a reading from the sensor. //Note: You must not reset 1-Wire MicroLan, nor ask //the chip for the conversion too soon after asking chip //to DO conversion. 1 second is a reasonably safe //"long enough". 2 seconds would be even better, if //circumstances allow.


   //Crude switch... to be improved when addresses in array. 1 of 2
   if (bWhichSensor==0);
   if (bWhichSensor==1);

   ds.write(0x44, 1);  // start conversion, with parasite power on at the end

  }//end of block of code which requests tture sensor
   //to take a reading.

 if ((liTenthsPassed %100)==16)
  {//This block of code asks tture sensor what
   //tture it "saw". Remember: It must not be excuted
   //too quickly after "part one" of getting a reading
   //from the sensor.

   present = ds.reset();
   //Crude switch... to be improved when addresses in array. 1 of 2
   if (bWhichSensor==0);
   if (bWhichSensor==1);
   ds.write(0xBE);         // Read Scratchpad

   /*Scraps from original code, which may help you see what is going
      on here, if you re-enable...
          Serial.print("  Data = ");
          Serial.print(present, HEX);
          Serial.print(" ");

   for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++) {// Yes, we need 9 bytes
      data[i] =;
      Serial.print(data[i], HEX);
      Serial.print(" ");
      }//End of for i=0...
      /* Following scraps show how CRC can be CALCULATED....
      Really ought to USE it. (The calculated-from-data CRC
      should match the sent-from-chip CRC, which I pretty
      sure is what 9th sent byte was.

      Serial.print(" CRC=");
      Serial.print(OneWire::crc8(data, 8), HEX);

   /*We now have "the temperature" in the data array... but in
   a rather arcane form. AQnd the form varies from chip to chip.
   What follows it the part of the original code which converts
   the "arcane form" for the DS18B20 to celsius. The "if (type_s)
   is a scrap of the switching code in the original to ensure
   the right conversion formulae are used.

   //Calculate ttures, retaining code necessary for other chip
   //   types (type_s hold code for chuip type.)
   int16_t raw = (data[1] << 8) | data[0];
   if (type_s) {
      raw = raw << 3; // 9 bit resolution default
      if (data[7] == 0x10) {
          // "count remain" gives full 12 bit resolution
         raw = (raw & 0xFFF0) + 12 - data[6];
      byte cfg = (data[4] & 0x60);
      // at lower res, the low bits are undefined, so let's zero them
      if (cfg == 0x00) raw = raw & ~7;  // 9 bit resolution, 93.75 ms
      else if (cfg == 0x20) raw = raw & ~3; // 10 bit res, 187.5 ms
      else if (cfg == 0x40) raw = raw & ~1; // 11 bit res, 375 ms
      // default is 12 bit resolution, 750 ms conversion time

celsius = (float)raw / 16.0;//This finishes the prime "1-Wire to "normal" units" conversion

//Now for some "trivial" conversions to other units...

fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32.0;
/*"CelsiusX10" allows us, if happy with values only to tenths of degree
as "good enough" to avoid the hassles of floating point numbers. Not only
are we going to accept 15.7 for 15.72 degrees, but we are also going to
accept 15.7 for 15.79 degrees. In other words, the values are truncated
to tenths of degree, not rounded.

Here begins clumsy, messy bit.
The following values are for "stuffing" first tture into a web page....
There MUST be a better way!... but I wanted the value to always have
a + or a - followed by, always, 3 digits. 2.5 degrees shown as "+025"
... and this "ugly" answer was the first one I could make work!

if (celsiusX10<0)
iTmp=iTmp%1000;//Just in case tture was somehow >99.9 deg, i.e. 999 deci-degrees
   //for debug Serial.println(iTmp);
cTturDC0Huns=(iTmp/100)+48;//Hundreds(x10) character, temperature, in Celcuis DECIdecgrees... i.e. 12.4 degC is 124 deg
   //for debug Serial.println(cTturDC0Huns);

//Here ENDS clumsy, messy bit. (The value hasn't been displayed, but
//  the pieces for displaying the value are now in place.

//Serial.print("  Temperature = ");

//Serial.print(" Celsius, ");
//Serial.println(" Fahrenheit");

} /end of block of code which asks tture sensor what tture it "saw"./

/I have not... yet... dealt with what happens when liTenthsPassed rolls over. I will, someday.. sigh.. maybe./

 };  //end of "Tenth passed"

//Serial.print(liLoopCycleCount); //Serial.print(" "); //Serial.print(ulMillisAtPrevTenthsBump); //Serial.print(" "); //Serial.println(liTenthsPassed); };//end of "Once in a while..."

//Following is just to create a blinking LED to show program is running. //In not important in any other way. if ((liTenthsPassed % 8) <2) {digitalWrite(pBuiltInLED, HIGH);} // LED off else {digitalWrite(pBuiltInLED, LOW);} // LED on // end create blinking LED

if ((liTenthsPassed %120)==110) { if (liTenthsPassed!=liTenthsPassedPrev) //This may execute more than once per "tenth %120==110" otherwise! { liTenthsPassedPrev=liTenthsPassed; //Serial.print(liLoopCycleCount); //Serial.print(" "); //Serial.print(liTenthsPassed); //Serial.print(" "); //Serial.print("Temperature (deg. C)="); Serial.print(celsius);

 if (bWhichSensor==0)
   {Serial.print(" ");
    bWhichSensor=1;}//No ; here. This serial plotter friendly at moment
 //Serial.print("  ");

 String s = "";//N.B. String, not string. Capital on "S" matters.
               //"string" also means something. Something different.

 if (cSTture0=='+')
     s += "+";
   } else
     s += "-";
 //cTtureDC0Huns, etc, filled earlier, during read tture
 s +=cTturDC0Huns;//Temperature, in Celcuis DECIdecgrees... i.e. 12.4 degC is 124 deg
 s +=cTturDC0Tens;
 s +=cTturDC0Units;

 s += "  ";
 s += "<<tture in fixed format.";
// Serial.println(s);


} }//loop()