nuriel77 / hornet-playbook

Ansible Playbook for Hornet IOTA Full Node
MIT License
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Autopeering phase never end on microk8s rpi4 #26

Closed Vruizvil closed 3 years ago

Vruizvil commented 3 years ago

Hi Nuriel77, thanks for your contributions. Installed Hornet node on microk8s cluster Rpi4. Works fine, except if setup autopeering. The phase autopeering never finish, (few thousands of seconds in livenessprobe option in config file) . Do you have any chance to think about it? Any idea about to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!!!

nuriel77 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Vruizvil ! Are you trying the example Helm charts provided here ? I haven't touched those in a while tbh.

Does the livenessprobe ultimately crash the pod?

Did you create a config.json in a secret as noted here

Maybe check if the autopeering plugin in your config is disabled? And what do the pod's log tell about any error/plugins being loaded?

Vruizvil commented 3 years ago

I show you the first lines in the log file when pod starting: maxPeers [5] acceptAnyConnection [false] The following plugins are enabled: Autopeering MQTT ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ███╗ ██╗███████╗████████╗ ██║ ██║██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗████╗ ██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝ ███████║██║ ██║██████╔╝██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██║ ██╔══██║██║ ██║██╔══██╗██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ╚████║███████╗ ██║ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ v0.5.6 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO CLI Profile mode 'auto', Using profile '8gb' 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO CLI Loading plugins ... 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: CLI ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Graceful Shutdown ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Profiling ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Database ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Curl ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:37Z INFO Local Initialized local: peer://BFdmHTNzYSa5Geni4LPRzF3fTsZF3kUkwvtURdGBC8MB@

2021-02-04T17:58:37Z WARN Autopeering invalid entry node; ignoring: LehlDBPJ6kfcfLOK6kAU4nD7B/, error: can't parse entry node: invalid public key: Invalid base58 digit ('l')

2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Autopeering ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: WebAPI ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: PoW ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Gossip ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Tangle ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Peering ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: WarpSync ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: URTS ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Node Loading Plugin: Metrics ... done 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Snapshot Downloading snapshot from one of the provided sources [] 2021-02-04T17:58:38Z INFO Snapshot Downloading snapshot from

Downloading... 16 kB/712 MB (0 B/s)

Downloading... 3.9 MB/712 MB (3.9 MB/s)

Downloading... 8.9 MB/712 MB (5.0 MB/s)

Downloading... 702 MB/712 MB (4.1 MB/s)

Downloading... 708 MB/712 MB (5.1 MB/s) 2021-02-04T18:00:53Z INFO Snapshot Snapshot download finished 2021-02-04T18:00:53Z INFO Snapshot Loading snapshot file... SnapshotInfo: CooAddr: UDYXTZBE9GZGPM9SSQV9LTZNDLJIZMPUVVXYXFYVBLIEUHLSEWFTKZZLXYRHHWVQV9MNNX9KZC9D9UZWZ SnapshotIndex: 2990884 (RWHFIJJV9SCUYJPZRZKVLLB99TRCOVOGRDSKBBJMJ9VVSWOAYADEMGIQAINABGEKQBJYERSSKEZ9A9999) EntryPointIndex: 2990884 PruningIndex: 2990884 Timestamp: 2021-02-04 15:15:19 +0000 UTC SpentAddressesEnabled: true 2021-02-04T18:00:53Z INFO Snapshot importing solid entry points 2021-02-04T18:00:53Z INFO Snapshot importing seen milestones 2021-02-04T18:00:53Z INFO Snapshot importing ledger state 2021-02-04T18:02:43Z INFO Snapshot importing 14079754 spent addresses. this can take a while... 2021-02-04T18:02:47Z INFO Snapshot processed 100000/14079754 spent addresses 2021-02-04T18:02:53Z INFO Snapshot processed 200000/14079754 spent addresses 2021-02-04T18:03:00Z INFO Snapshot processed 300000/14079754 spent addresses 2021-02-04T18:03:08Z INFO Snapshot processed 400000/14079754 spent addresses 2021-02-04T18:03:14Z INFO Snapshot processed 500000/14079754 spent addresses`

Vruizvil commented 3 years ago

and here, see the final lines in the log file:

021-02-04T18:21:04Z INFO Peering trying to connect to 10 peers req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 2021-02-04T18:21:05Z INFO Peering handshaking with req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 2021-02-04T18:21:07Z WARN Peering error can't connect to dial tcp i/o timeout 2021-02-04T18:21:07Z INFO Peering moved disconnected into the reconnect pool 2021-02-04T18:21:07Z INFO Peering handshaking with req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z WARN Peering error can't connect to dial tcp i/o timeout 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z INFO Peering moved disconnected into the reconnect pool 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z INFO Peering handshaking with 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z WARN Peering error can't connect to dial tcp connect: connection refused 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z INFO Peering moved disconnected into the reconnect pool 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z INFO Peering handshaking with 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z INFO Peering handshaking with 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z WARN Peering error message type unknown 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z INFO Peering moved disconnected into the reconnect pool 2021-02-04T18:21:09Z INFO Peering handshaking with 2021-02-04T18:21:10Z WARN Peering error EOF 2021-02-04T18:21:10Z INFO Peering moved disconnected into the reconnect pool 2021-02-04T18:21:10Z INFO Peering handshaking with req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 2021-02-04T18:21:10Z WARN Peering error EOF 2021-02-04T18:21:10Z INFO Peering moved disconnected into the reconnect pool req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 2021-02-04T18:21:12Z WARN Peering error can't connect to dial tcp i/o timeout 2021-02-04T18:21:12Z INFO Peering moved disconnected into the reconnect pool req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0 req(qu/pe/proc/lat): 00051/00000/00000/0000ms, reqQMs: 2990904, processor: 00000, LSMI/LMI: 2990884/2990884, TPS (in/new/out): 00000/00000/00000, Tips (non-/semi-lazy): 0/0

nuriel77 commented 3 years ago

Do you mean these? Peering error can't connect to dial tcp i/o timeout Did you check if your pods have access to the internet?

And did you notice:

2021-02-04T17:58:37Z WARN Autopeering invalid entry node; ignoring: LehlDBPJ6kfcfLOK6kAU4nD7B/, error: can't parse entry node: invalid public key: Invalid base58 digit ('l')
nuriel77 commented 3 years ago

Issue stale, hornet being upgraded, closing this issue.