nurupo / ProjectTox-Qt-GUI

A cross-platform front end for ProjectTox Core library, written in C++11 with use of Qt5
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Smiley improvements #83

Open nurupo opened 10 years ago

nurupo commented 10 years ago
lance0 commented 10 years ago

I think about 20 smileys would do, no reason to go buckwild with them. Thoughts?

aviau commented 10 years ago

@blitchiz Why don't you want 1-to-1 mapping of unicode emoticons? The amount of emoticons in the unicode standard seems like a good standard to use.

lance0 commented 10 years ago

@ReAzem can't argue with that :)

looph commented 10 years ago

I think I will have a go at this.

Just some minor clarification questions:

Questions (bear with me if I ask things that are obvious or if I write questions about things that I've completely misunderstood):

  1. Every smiley pack must implement the whole unicode set of emoticons? (76 pics).
  2. If a smiley pack C implements a subset of the unicode set, the user of C will see text for the not implemented ones?. Or should we implement a standard default backup smiley pack D, that is used to find a suitable picture if smiley is not found in C?)
  3. ..or shall we treat smileypacks as invalid if they havent implemented the complete unicode? (build in check/warning for that?).
  4. If a smiley pack implements a superset of the unicode shall we ignore the superset or use it?*
    • 1-to-1 mapping of Unicode Emoticons to image smilies, for the same reason as the previous one.

If the user via inputtextwidget writes "haha.. :D", then:

  1. find the unicode for ":D" (U+1F604),
  2. replace ":D" with F0 9F 98 84(UTF8 of U+1F604) in the string if using emoji
  3. ..or insert "img src="/icons/emoticons/emotion_grin.png" " if using smileypack.

The mapping should look something like this then:

  1. ":D" -> U+1F604 -> F0 9F 98 84 (UTF8)
  2. U+1F604 -> "img src="/icons/emoticons/emotion_grin.png" " Mapping (1.) is done internally in ProjectTox-Qt Mapping (2.) is done in the smileypack loaded by user.

If the user is using a smileypack and the Mapping(2.) doesn't exist for one unicode, then use a default internal mapping to a "img src="default... " that is included in ProjectTox-Qt.

nurupo commented 10 years ago

Saying upfront -- I don't use image smilies or unicode emoticons, I usually prefer using plain text ones, like US-ASCII only or Shift JIS only, so I'm not very knowledgeable about smilies.


Restrict number of smilies.


1-to-1 mapping of Unicode Emoticons to image smilies, for the same reason as the previous one.

I meant to say that we could select a set of n common smilies such that n is both in unicode emoticons and in standard smiley pack and force smilepacks to define exactly n smilies without ability to define their textual representations. In the current smiley pack you can define arbitrary number of smilies and map them to arbitrary set of strings -- textual representations of those smilies:

smile.png         :-)  :)   =)
happy.png         ^_^  ^^   ^.^ ^-^
glasses-cool.png  8-)  B-)
smile-big.png     :-D  :D   =D
grin.png          :-)) :))
tongue.png        :-P  :P   =P

and I thought of something like that:


i.e. you can't specify textual representations and you have to define images for all n smilies. With such restrictions it would be possible to avoid cases when, say, smiley pack A has (beer) smiley but smile pack B has not, so to B's user it's displayed in plain text as "(beer)". There is nothing wrong with (beer) as such, but imagine if some more obscure smiley was used instead, that could even cause some misunderstanding because user A could expect user B to see the image representation of the smiley, preferably the exact same they are seeing, but user B saw a textual representation of it that could have not conveyed the the original meaning. With restrictions we can guarantee that all smiley pack have (beer) smiley, and can guarantee that it's textual representation is exactly "(beer)", not "(the_cold_and_refreshing)" or something, so that if A uses a smiley, B will definitely see it.

(The whole point of restricting smiley packs was to minimize the unambiguity that smiley packs with their missing smilies or different textual representations introduce)

Anyway, looking around a few im applications with smiley pack support I found that they generally allow smiley packs to define arbitrary number of smilies and map them to arbitrary sets of textual representation strings, so I guess smiley users are used to this and would actually expect such level of customization, so we will keep it as it is. In other words, ignore "Restrict number of smilies" and "1-to-1 mapping of Unicode Emoticons to image smilies, for the same reason as the previous one" items.

Moreover, such restricted smileypacks would fail since we are not the only client in the toxland, other clients don't have to obey those restrictions, which defeats the whole point.

Schlumpf commented 10 years ago

I agree. The last point is the most important: We are not the only client.

looph commented 10 years ago

yeah, also noticed that if the user is using unicode, then unicode will be transmitted to the receiver. It looks funny when I received it in the toxic client, because it doesn't support unicode, like :smiley: becomes ~_~X~D. When using smileypack the message sent becomes :D, which is at least understandable. It would be cool if the receiving client could detect unicode characters that it knows it doesn't support, and inform the user that it should change font (perhaps even suggest a font).

I support nurupos idea that it would be great to have some form of standardized smileys though. I guess if we create one extensive "free to use" standard library of all thinkable smileys (that could be copied to other tox-clients) then it would in fact become the standard. The other more general solution is to send smileypack pictures encoded in the actual message (yuck! ;) ).

nurupo commented 10 years ago

if the user is using unicode, then unicode will be transmitted to the receiver

Tox protocol specifies that messages are to be encoded in UTF-8.

:smiley: becomes ~_~X~D. When using smileypack the message sent becomes :D, which is at least understandable.

Don't understand what do you mean. Perhaps you meant ☺ instead of :smiley: ?

It looks funny when I received it in the toxic client, because it doesn't support unicode


It would be cool if the receiving client could detect unicode characters that it knows it doesn't support, and inform the user that it should change font (perhaps even suggest a font).

@JFreegman ^

I guess if we create one extensive "free to use" standard library of all thinkable smileys (that could be copied to other tox-clients) then it would in fact become the standard.

That still doesn't stop anyone from using their own implementation. It's also too bothersome at this point, when nightly builds are about to appear, I'm already a little angry that we deal with such side feature as smiley packs instead of implementing frontend for things that are in the toxcore or fixing some critical issues, like laggy message widget.

The other more general solution is to send smileypack pictures encoded in the actual message (yuck! ;) ).

This is insane.

Schlumpf commented 10 years ago

@nurupo I'm currently working on the new message display ;)

nurupo commented 10 years ago

@Schlumpf yeah, I saw that. It will be a long code reading for me : )

Do you know if our smileys would work there (if it support rich text image insertion)?

Also, Quassel has special way of highlighting text - you can highlight just messages, or messages and names, or time and messages and names. Would be nice if we could in Qt GUI highlight just messages, names and messages, messages and time, names and messages and time.

Also, last time I checked your fork, the lines that separate names, messages and times don't resize when the window resizes. And it didn't handle multiline messages (ones with s in them) correctly.

Schlumpf commented 10 years ago

I'm currently (in this moment) working on the selection ^^ Smilies won't be easy to implement, because of Quassel paints the text on their own, very low level code. I think, I have to paint the smilies in this low level way, too. But I don't spend much time on thinking about that yet.

nurupo commented 10 years ago

Yeah, we can just put smilies on hold and come back to them later. I just will finish cleaning up smileypack.cpp, emoticonmenu.cpp and settings so that they will be ready to go if needed.

looph commented 10 years ago

Ok, so this smileypack issue #83 is not relevant at the moment, or at least until the new message display is implemented?.

One last quick question:

If I understood it correctly, fixing the above would mean:

nurupo commented 10 years ago

Yeah, something like this, except renaming the emoticons directory into smileys, to be consistent with .config/smileys/ directory. Also, emoticons should probably be moved out of icons into resources then.

Instruct the developers in the to copy /emoticons/ directory to .config/smiley/

The .config path might differ depending on OS. There is a Qt call that gives a path to a suitable for saving application's settings on current OS directory, so the part would be kind of tricky to write

nurupo commented 10 years ago
  • Remove those spaces that are added before and after a smiley.

@Schlumpf why do we need those non-breaking spaces here?

Schlumpf commented 10 years ago

@nurupo There is a problem with the input of emoji in different sizes than the normal text. If the user inserts a emoji from the emoticonmenu with no space at the end, the next characters will have the other size, too. I don't like the space, because of if the user sets the cursor between emoji and the space, he is able to write in the emoji size.

I would prefer to disable the smiley/emoticon preview in the input widget.

Schlumpf commented 10 years ago


nurupo commented 10 years ago

Can you elaborate more on how is that related to Qt GUI?

Schlumpf commented 10 years ago

There is no direct connection. Just a note, that emoji will expanded, maybe.

nurupo commented 10 years ago

@Schlumpf I got somewhat interested in QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter (U+FFFC) after the and I found that you can actually insert custom objects into QTextEdit by using that QChar. Qt doc entry, Qt example (some googling: 1, 2, 3, 4).

Though the doc says:

Warning: Copy and Paste operations ignore custom text objects.

(perhaps irrelevant, but that is pretty cool too)

Schlumpf commented 10 years ago

I'm using that for #116 ;)