nurupo / vlc-pause-click-plugin

Plugin for VLC that pauses/plays video on mouse click
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
945 stars 63 forks source link

Nightly builds link to a non-existent VLC 4.0 build #103

Open webaschtl opened 11 months ago

webaschtl commented 11 months ago

The link next to,,-https%3A//nightlies.videolan is broken.

– at the moment:

nurupo commented 11 months ago

Thanks for reporting. It is a known issue -- the automated nightly builds haven't worked for some time now, due to VLC4 breaking the API causing the build to fail (that has been fixed in the master since then) and also due to Travis-CI going under. You can see that the release you linked to was done in 2021. Just need to find some time and will to port the nightly repo to GitHub actions. Nightly builds are a rather low priority optional thing, so I have been putting it aside for a while. (I'm also somewhat burned out in regards to nightly build publishing from having to write ci-release-publisher in order to have sane nightly build publishing on Travis-CI just to have Travis-CI go under a year or two later and all that work be for waste). Since you have reported this I guess I better prioritize it more then. Can't commit to a specific timeline as I will be busy with other things in the upcoming days, but I will keep this issue in mind.