nurupo / vlc-pause-click-plugin

Plugin for VLC that pauses/plays video on mouse click
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Where to place plugin for a flatpak-installed VLC? #84

Closed mrandreastoth closed 2 years ago

mrandreastoth commented 2 years ago



Describe the issue

I've tried installing the plugin using the make file but VLC doesn't pick it up. I have tried manually copying the plugin to various other locations including various directories and sub-directories under ~/.var/app/org.videolan.VLC/data/vlc. This has included adding a "plugins" directory to these locations and placing the plugin in these directories. Nothing has worked. Perhaps I needed to change the file/directory permissions, I don't know.

nurupo commented 2 years ago

Actually no idea, haven't used Flatpak VLC, using VLC packaged by my distro.

Looking at the Flatpak VLC repository, it says that one should create a separate Flatpak for a plugin to be able to use it with Flatpak VLC:

To package independent plugins for VLC you can create an extension org.videolan.VLC.Plugin.myplugin.

So I guess you won't be able to use the plugin unless someone makes a Flatpak of it?

If you are able to add files to the Flatpak (honestly no idea how Flatpak works, I don't think you should be able to add files to it, yet you are saying that you are somehow able to so, so I'm just rolling with it), you could find the existing "plugins" directory in it (VLC is pretty much a bunch of plugins) and place in there. It should work, as long as the plugin you built on your system is compatible ABI-wise with the environment used to build and run the Flatpak VLC.

mrandreastoth commented 2 years ago

Actually no idea, haven't used Flatpak VLC, using VLC packaged by my distro.

Unfortunately my distro supports a handful of package managers, including Flatpak, which I have since found out is a bad idea as its packages are bloated and can carry outdated libraries. I also dislike the horrible command-line in just trying to run an installed binary, shocking syntax, I'm not sure who thought it a good idea. As such I'm going to uninstall all my Flatpak packages and replace them with something better and more manageable.

P.S. I've also decided to no longer use VLC as I had numerous issues with it, including responsiveness and the fact that subtitles don't update while paused meaning synchronising them is a pain in the rear (the best way to synchronise subtitles is to pause them just where speech is started then decrease/increase the subtitle delay until they appear). As such, I'm now using SMPlayer.

nurupo commented 2 years ago

As such I'm going to uninstall all my Flatpak packages and replace them with something better and more manageable.

Ok, I'm going to close this issue then.

P.S. I've also decided to no longer use VLC as I had numerous issues with it

I also have issues with VLC responsiveness. When switching between subtitle languages, it often takes 5-10 seconds for the subtitles to start appearing, and increasing/decreasing video speed results in audio disappearing for ~5 seconds and sometimes in video stutter. Little things like that. These days I use mpv for videos, while using VLC just for music since mpv kind of sucks for that. It took me some time to get used to mpv's keybindings, and I had to script some things that I needed, but in the end I'm happier with mpv than I was with VLC as far as videos go.

n3m0-22 commented 1 year ago

In case anyone else is having this issue. If you add the file to the directory local/share/flatpak/app/org.videolan.VLC/x86_64/stable/e737adfbdb87e287835209fb7defc1ecfe71974adbfec6fadead7c5699e72a83/files/lib/vlc/plugins/control/ it will work with the Flatpak.

Note: The e737adfbdb87e287835209fb7defc1ecfe71974adbfec6fadead7c5699e72a83 part of this directory may not be exactly the same you'll will need to check.

nurupo commented 1 year ago

Just an update that the plugin is now available on Flathub and can be installed in one command. See