nus-cs2030 / 2021-s1

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Important Exam SOP points #569

Open SethCKL opened 3 years ago

SethCKL commented 3 years ago

I found the document abit long winded, so decided to lift out the most important parts for easy reference.

Do take note esp the parts about submission. have to zip and submit BEFORE the end of the exam. Screen recording uploaded within 3 hours, and kept for at least 3 weeks.

2.3. Thirty minutes before the exam starts, sign in to Zoom using the link given to you. This link may be found in Luminus Conferencing. This Zoom group is the same as your Exam Group (eg. E01, … E13).

2.8. Login to Luminus and download the single zip file from the Files folder called “Final Exam”. The password to decrypt the zip file will be announced via Zoom at the start of the exam.

2.9. Start your screen capture via ffmpeg, or appropriate software, as stated in the SOP.

3.1. Start your exam when told to do so. Use the given password to decrypt the zip file.

3.2. View the file questions.pdf for the questions, and write your answers in the appropriate text files.

3.10. Write your answers in the text files provided (without changing their filenames), zip them into a single file (without password), and name the zip file with your Student Number, eg.

3.11. Do not use any other filenames, and do not include your name anywhere in your answer files.

3.12. Submit your zip file to a Luminus Files folder called "Enn submission folder", where nn (from 01 to 13) is your Exam Group.

3.13. You may submit multiple times BEFORE the exam ends, but only your final submission will be graded. Your final submission must be complete, ie. do not answer Q1 and Q2 in the first zip file, and Q3 and Q4 in your second zip file and expect the instructors to combine both files.

3.14. Submit only 1 zip file, and not multiple files. All files in your zip file must be text files (either .txt or .java). Other file formats, eg. docx, pdf, jpg, class, will be ignored. Do not submit the question file.

3.15. You should also email the same zip file to as a backup.

3.20. At this point, you are encouraged to zip and submit your files, if you have not already done so. No extra time will be given to submit your files.

4.1. Stop writing when the announcement to stop is made.

4.2. At this point, you are not allowed to submit your files, so be sure you have submitted BEFORE the stop announcement.

4.3. Do not leave until you are told to do so; wait patiently while checks are being made.

4.4. Within 3 hours of the end of the exam, upload the video of your screen capture to the Luminus Files folder “Submission of Screen Capture”. This may take a long time, depending on the size of your video file, and the network. Name your video file using your NUSNET id: eg, e1234567.mp4.

4.5. In addition, keep your video file for 3 weeks, as per the SOP.

SethCKL commented 3 years ago


Full document can be found here, or from the Exam folder on luminus

wongzw commented 3 years ago

Also remember that you can only have 1 screen, so either use an external monitor or your laptop screen :)

Im not sure if multiple virtual desktops are allowed though