We are happy to note that the percentage of students who met 2KLoC requirement (LO:W5.4) has increased to 94% after allowing a re-submission period. Those who resubmitted, please check IVLE grade book to confirm your phase A marks have been updated.
About 30% failed to meet either team or individual milestones at v1.1. This is not as bad as it sounds (and actually better than previous semesters). The trick is to hit Point A (refer graph below) as early as possible -- hopefully you've hit that around v1.1 -- so that you can reach Point B by the time you end the semester. For a start, do your best to hit both individual and team milestones at v1.2 that is coming up next week.
[graph source]
Note the the expected rigor of project management increases every week. For example, from this week you are expected to use the issue tracker to systematically track project tasks, and only merged code will be considered as contributions. Remember to read the requirements for the next version early in the week to learn what you need to do for the week.
Note that there is no required minimum level of test coverage. It's up to you to decide how much test coverage you want for your code. The lower the coverage, the higher the risk of undetected bugs/regressions, and bugs will be penalized. However, each person is expected to write some test code before the final submission so that we can evaluate your ability to write tests.
The amount you contribute to the project each week is up to you. There is no minimum amount of features you need to implement each week. Even a very small contribution (if merged) is good enough to consider you as having contributed to that version.
The product design decisions must be yours (i.e. which features to implement, the command/UI design etc.). Tutors are discouraged from advising you on what features to implement or how many features to implement. Lecture 7 covered some guidelines on product design. It is fine to go against them (product design is an art rather than a science) but you must be able to justify your decisions.
) has increased to 94% after allowing a re-submission period. Those who resubmitted, please check IVLE grade book to confirm your phase A marks have been updated.[graph source]