nus-cs2103-AY1718S2 / forum

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Request to use external libraries #25

Open okkhoy opened 6 years ago

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

Dear all,

Please make your request in the comments below. That way all library requests will be under one heading.

So far we have three requests:

  1. AsyncHttpClient
  2. LinkedIn API
  3. Google Calendar API

These are approved! 👍

Additionally, once the library is approved, no need to request again. It is approved for all of you 😄

Thanks, Akshay

PS: I am closing those individual library use requests.

takuyakanbr commented 6 years ago

Request to use Google Books API to obtain book information.

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@takuyakanbr Approved. But I would suggest you to be careful in using this! It is listed as experimental.

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

The following libraries are approved by default in case you need to use them.

Would leave it to you guys to figure out what each does :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

kohyeeru commented 6 years ago

Request to use Google Tasks API for tracking list of to-dos.

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@iNekox3 Approved!

Sisyphus25 commented 6 years ago

Request to use CalendarFX as a framework for Calendar view.

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@Sisyphus25 Approved :heavy_check_mark:

IzHoBX commented 6 years ago

Request to use emoji-java for displaying emoji

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@IzHoBX Approved!

laichengyu commented 6 years ago

Request to use Google GSON for JSON parsing, CoinMarketCap API and CryptoCompare API to obtain cryptocurrency data, and Cryptopanic API for latest cryptocurrency news

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@laichengyu Google GSON is approved.

Please wait for our confirmation for the other 3

shadow2496 commented 6 years ago

Request to use RestFB to interact with Facebook Graph API.

davidten commented 6 years ago

Request to use Google OAuth Client Library for Java

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@shadow2496 Approved to use RestFB

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@davidten Approved to use Google OAuth Client

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@laichengyu I would suggest you to see if you get any alternative to the mentioned crypto-related APIs. The license terms doesn't seem conducive for use within CS2103 scope.

Damienskt commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy Request to use Google Web services library and GMapsFX

ewaldhew commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy I'm with @laichengyu's team. Could you tell us which term in CryptoCompare API's license (CC BY-NC 3.0) is not suitable for CS2103, since this is a non-commercial, purely educational project, and since we are required to attribute in our documentation anyway? We can find alternatives for the other two we mentioned. Would greatly appreciate your clarification, thanks!

waynekoo commented 6 years ago

request to use Twilio API to send sms notification

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@ewaldhew @laichengyu

From the initial link that was provided:

Storage and redistribution of CryptoCompare data is strictly prohibited without a commercial license agreement ( contact support for more info ).

We would appreciate if you provided us with the right links to verify.

If it is CCBY-NC, I guess it is OK. Please note that we don't want you to get into any troubles (and get us into any troubles!)

So as long as you don't violate the terms of use of CruptoCompare API, you can use it.

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@koo1993 Twilio is a paid service. Hence you may want to consider alternatives?

Damienskt commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy you missed my request >.<

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@Damienskt oops! sorry! The two libraries requested are approved :smile:

mattbuot commented 6 years ago

request to use JavaMail API and Java Activation Framework (JAF) to send emails notification

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@mattbuot Approved. The are a part of the Java API set, no?

mattbuot commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy yes you're right

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

Then no need to ask 😛 @mattbuot

mattbuot commented 6 years ago

sorry didn't noticed ! @okkhoy

ewaldhew commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy Hi, thanks for the heads up, sorry for the wrong link (they didn't update the website with the new API page).

I sent an email to their support specifically asking about the part about storage of data, and they have replied saying, as long as the product has no commercial use we can use it freely with credit given.

AdityaA1998 commented 6 years ago

Request to use Github API

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@AdityaA1998 approved!

KevinChuangCH commented 6 years ago

Are we allow to use additional plugins for our UI?

Specifically, can we the following use:

jill858 commented 6 years ago

Request to use Fixer API

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@KevinChuangCH in the spirit of using only the available tools, we won't allow using additional plugins.

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@jill858 approved to use Fixer API

Ang-YC commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy Request to use Apache PDFBox

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@Ang-YC approved!

johnnychanjx commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy Request to use Apache Commons IO

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@johnnychanjx approved 👍

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@kokonguyen191 approved!

caijun7 commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy Request to use Google Drive API

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@Caijun7 Approved! It is quite late in the semester; please be careful when you add new features now.

samzx commented 6 years ago


Request to use Twilio Voice call SDK

Request to use Spark to create a REST API relay server.

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@samzx Spark approved. Please wait for clarification on Twilio. It is best to find an alternative (as suggested earlier for a different Twilio request). I am concerned that your request has come in rather late, please be careful and ensure that you don't break your product!

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@samzx Please find an alternative to Twilio.

samzx commented 6 years ago

@okkhoy I forgot to request it earlier, but It's already implemented and working as intended, is that okay?

okkhoy commented 6 years ago

@samzx Errr... What is the point of asking for approval then! Please check with the module coordinators. Their decision is final.