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Discrepancy in coverage between IntelliJ and Coveralls #68

Open sreycodes opened 5 years ago

sreycodes commented 5 years ago

Both the system show a large difference in the coverage of certain files as shown in the photos below:- image image

Based on which system will the grading be done? Moreover, we do feel coveralls is making a mistake in this case. How can this be fixed?

ccristina commented 5 years ago


Your QA evaluation is done based on the bugs discovered at the practical exam (Sat, 20 Apr, 10am), as mentioned under section Project Assessment, point 3 on the website (

Also, let me quote from the website on our expectations for automated testing in the project

  • There is no requirement for a minimum coverage level. Note that in a production environment you are often required to have at least 90% of the code covered by tests. In this project, it can be less. The less coverage you have, the higher the risk of regression bugs, which will cost marks if not fixed before the final submission.
  • You must write some tests so that we can evaluate your ability to write tests.
  • How much of each type of testing should you do? We expect you to decide. You learned different types of testing and what they try to achieve. Based on that, you should decide how much of each type is required. Similarly, you can decide to what extent you want to automate tests, depending on the benefits and the effort required.

Please note that the quality of your second screenshot makes reading impossible, so we cannot really understand/explain the differences you are mentioning.

Best regards, Cristina.