nus-cs2103-AY1920S1 / pe-dev-response

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Able to schedule overlapping timeslots to interviewers and interviewees #291

Open nus-pe-bot opened 4 years ago

nus-pe-bot commented 4 years ago

Issue description Able to schedule overlapping timeslots such as 18:00-18:30, 17:50-18:30 and 18:20-18:40 to the same interviewer

Steps to reproduce the issue Enter the command 'add interviewer n/Mary Jane p/98765432 ew/ d/Marketing s/20/09/2019 18:00-18:30 s/20/09/2019 17:50-18:30 s/20/09/2019 18:20-18:40'

What's the expected result? Throw an error stating that the timeslots overlap and interviewer cannot conduct interviews concurrently

What's the actual result? System accepts the overlapping timeslots.

Additional details / screenshot Should not be able to accept these overlapping timeslots as they may cause conflicting scheduling. Same issue for interviewees

Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 12.45.00 PM.png Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 12.45.09 PM.png

[original: nus-cs2103-AY1920S1/pe-interim#293]

KendrickAng commented 4 years ago

Team's Response

Dear Tester,

We refer to our user guide in the section "Adding a new interviewer" under the "constraints" paragraph:

The start duration and end duration of a s/SLOT must follow these constraints:

A start duration and end duration must be in 24-hour format.

The range of start durations and end durations available for input must be within Working Hours.

The start duration must be earlier than the end duration, and be in increments of duration. The time elapsed from the start duration to end duration must also follow the number of minutes as specified by the value of duration in User Preferences. Otherwise, scheduled data will not be displayed properly in the user interface. See Duration of Timeslot for more details.

We also quote from the user guide under the section "Duration of Timeslot": The indicated timeslots, in adding or importing interviewers/interviewees, has to be one of these unique timeslots and cannot take any other values. Failure to do so will result in an inaccurate display of schedules.

In this case, we do not disallow the adding of interviewers whose available timeslots are in incorrect format - running the command you show us does allow the interviewer to be added - it is expected behaviour. However, we have included (in the user guide) an explicit warning to the user that doing so will lead to a situation where "scheduled data will not be displayed properly in the user interface". The section "Duration of Timeslot" also states that the user must strictly provide timeslots that match the "duration" parameter in the user preferences. The conflicting scheduling you mentioned would be that situation where "scheduled data will not be displayed properly". We therefore reject this bug.

Thank you.

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