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Can a team change the bug type to DocumentationBug by stating they intended but forgot to specify limits in their documentation? #465

Closed qwoprocks closed 3 years ago

qwoprocks commented 3 years ago

The team has accepted the bug, but changed the bug type to documentation because they forgot to indicate intended limits (such as maximum number of characters) in their documentation.

damithc commented 3 years ago

Depends on the current behavior. For example, if the application behavior doesn't degrade gracefully when the limit is exceeded, it's more probable that the team forgot to implement it properly rather than forgot to document it. But if the case is handled in an acceptable way, we can accept that what's lacking is proper documentation.

Also, it doesn't necessarily mean the tester will get less credit because the type is changed from functionality to documentation.


qwoprocks commented 3 years ago

Thank you Prof!