nus-cs2103-AY2021S1 / pe-dev-response

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DG: Use Cases: Should use Preconditions instead of additional step to navigate #283

Open nus-se-bot opened 4 years ago

nus-se-bot commented 4 years ago

Note from the teaching team: This bug was reported during the Part II (Evaluating Documents) stage of the PE. You may reject this bug if it is not related to the quality of documentation.

For all use cases that has "1. User navigates to a specific travel plan (UC1)." as the first step, stating it as a Precondition will be more organized and less cluttered. Perhaps like Precondition: User is in a travel plan. image.png

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2021S1/pe-interim#251]

jiaweiteo commented 4 years ago

Team's Response

We downgarded the severity bug to very low as we feel that organisation issue pointed out is purely cosmetic

The explanation is clear and we agree that this is a layout issue. We feel that this does not affect usage as the reader can still understand the explanation.

Duplicate status (if any):
