nus-cs2103-AY2122S1 / pe-dev-response

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Possible to mark the attendance of a member who has already been marked #709

Open nus-pe-bot opened 2 years ago

nus-pe-bot commented 2 years ago

The first member's attendance has been marked.

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 4.57.26 PM.png

Inputting the mark command again will display the same message.

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 4.58.28 PM.png

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 4.59.12 PM.png

A user is likely to mark the attendance for a lot of people (proven by a significant number of member’s contacts in the DG target user profile). It is very like for the user to input the wrong member's index. If the wrongly entered member's attendance has already been marked, this will mislead the user to think that the attendance of the member who is supposed to be marked has been marked, which in fact has not been marked. This may cause the user to miss some members' attendance.

[original: nus-cs2103-AY2122S1/pe-interim#740] [original labels: severity.Low type.FeatureFlaw]

Moley456 commented 2 years ago

Team's Response

The team has decided to reject this bug report because we feel that remarking attendance of members already marked present will not cause any problems to the users but in fact help them because they may not remember whose attendance they have already marked, so if we were to restrict them from remarking attendance and give warnings for the repetition, it would cause the users to be annoyed as they would have to remove the index of the members whose attendance has been marked if they do so.

Furthermore, the reporter of the bug said "If the wrongly entered member's attendance has already been marked, this will mislead the user to think that the attendance of the member who is supposed to be marked has been marked, which in fact has not been marked." However, I think that even if we prevent users from remarking attendance, this issue will still remain because user can still end up entering the index of the wrong person to mark. So we feel that it is the responsibility of the users to enter the correct index of the members they want to mark present and restricting the remarking of already marked members will not affect this is any way.

Duplicate status (if any):
