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RepoSense with Morphing #412

Open XenonShawn opened 1 year ago

XenonShawn commented 1 year ago

My team decided to morph AB3 rather than evolve it, and I changed a lot of the names, models, test cases, etc. However, because I changed the names of the files/modules, even if I barely touched the contents of the file, the whole file is attributed to me in the RepoSense. Do I need to do anything for this? What about those files which I edited half of it but also renamed it?

damithc commented 1 year ago

@XenonShawn if some code is attributed to you incorrectly, you can override that using RepoSense's @@author tags mechanism. More details

XenonShawn commented 1 year ago

@XenonShawn if some code is attributed to you incorrectly, you can override that using RepoSense's @@author tags mechanism. More details

Hi Prof, I'm aware of this. I'm just wondering about the extent - am I supposed to @@author everything except for the exact lines I changed? That's easily dozens of files, is there a better way than this?

damithc commented 1 year ago

Hi Prof, I'm aware of this. I'm just wondering about the extent - am I supposed to @@author everything except for the exact lines I changed? That's easily dozens of files, is there a better way than this?

@XenonShawn Claiming authorship of very small code fragments is allowed, but not recommended. Some more guidance on this aspect (given in the same page):


sltsheryl commented 1 year ago

Could I also check if we should put the //@@author comment before or after all the import statements because if we changed the names of the packages, all the import statements would be allocated to us? Or does this not matter since this is just to check the code quality of what we wrote?

damithc commented 1 year ago

Could I also check if we should put the //@@author comment before or after all the import statements because if we changed the names of the packages, all the import statements would be allocated to us? Or does this not matter since this is just to check the code quality of what we wrote?

Yes @sltsheryl, the import statements are not that relevant for that purpose. So, no need to bother about the authorship of import statements.