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Cannot load javafx library #301

Closed SHni99 closed 1 year ago

SHni99 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am facing an issue when testing out the jar.file just now. I am using mac os terminal to run the jar command


damithc commented 1 year ago

@SHni99 ensure you've followed to the letter the instructions for Mac users given in

francisyzy commented 1 year ago

I faced this problem just now after installing PlantUML as they messed up my java --version.

I used to install java quickly using the following java version: sdk install java 11.0.18.fx-zulu

SHni99 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Profs, it worked after I have set my java environment version to zulu jdk 11, which I followed the simplest method using sdkman as recommended by Francis.

damithc commented 1 year ago

Thanks Profs, it worked after I have set my java environment version to zulu jdk 11, which I followed the simplest method using sdkman as recommended by Francis.

Thanks @francisyzy