nus-cs2103-AY2223S2 / forum

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tP feature was present in the v1.3 JAR file but was not tested during PED due to UG being "out of sync" #306

Closed rexcyrio closed 1 year ago

rexcyrio commented 1 year ago

Tester A: @Yufannnn Tester B: @homuntan02 Tester C: @jinnieshin Tester D: @zrei

At 1:47pm, was closed -- the find command in the UG was updated to say that it performs a full text search on all fields of a contact (instead of just the name field), and the command history feature was also added to the UG. Both of these features were already present in the v1.3 JAR file.



At 1:48pm, the GitHub pages deployment for UG was updated (

One of our peer reviewers got the updated UG (it shows the updated find command in the screenshot)

Unfortunately, it seems like two of our peer reviewers had loaded the page before was deployed at 1:48pm, and got the "old" version of the UG

(I'm not sure which version of the UG Tester B got -- there was no mention of this problem in Tester B's bug reports to us, so I can only assume he got the updated UG)

My questions:

I ask this as I'm not sure whether it conflicts with the idea of v1.4:


Tagging my teammates: @niekis @jugheadjones10 @minosx31

damithc commented 1 year ago

@rexcyrio You may keep the feature if it was in the v1.3 jar already, even if it wasn't tested by some testers during the PE-D.

rexcyrio commented 1 year ago

Okay thank you prof!